Seedling Care


Well-Known Member
Face it your a fag, we all work in H+ and you come down here starting to split hairs, you been told lime is what you need and you want to go on about pH like to the molecular level.

Your little science theory is not the only new theory to read pH in the world so go spin on that science tard because some dont even wana recognise your science H30+ crap.

At the end of the day its still hydrogen, the fact that a change occurs means nothing for the fact that the H is actually still there and this proton dosent change structure just bind with others freaking tard!

I told you once about lime in soil to counter thew hydrogen ions now either face facts or basically your a shit grower who just spreading shit round the place. People were asked to adopt the hydronium theory not told to and H+ has always stood when talking pH, water and soil. Again what a retard and good luck with your plants cause you know nothing.

5.) pH of soil can be very accurately measured, especially in a lab through a process called titration. Take a chemical engineering technology class and you can learn about it. However soil pH testing at home is difficult without some know how, and a lot of healthy math. Most of the time it is easier to just estimate. The best method would be to measure the pH of water you intend on watering with pour it in the pot, collect the runoff and measure the pH of the runoff. Take the average of the two pH readings, your soil pH is likely within -+.4 of this average.
Again no this is BS, no matter what i water at my runoff is always 6.5 so go figure that tard, told you what lime dose with good drainage and still you dont wana listen. Peope like you that fuck plants up, again your thread has little knowledge and just BS of how not to screw with your water and fuck around germinating a seed.

Tell me to take classes, fuck of noob, go take your few posts over to another forum, your motha should be the one to take classes in how not to bring up a retarded non growing science geek who cant understand that when told we use the term and principles H+ and that wether H+ or H30+ its the same fucking result !

No one explain to you that hydronium or hydrogen you still get the same end result in your plants dimwit! Keep on citing that shit and maybe someone will just fuck their plants up like yours, go grow your ass retard!

Fucking point is Hydronium, Hydrogen same fucking difference in the growing world MOROON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
4.) Pure water pH cannot bet measured. Your voltmeter along with just about every other pH meter in the world relies on the conductivity of the solution you are testing. Without some level of dissolved conductive solids pH cannot be tested, as pure water is non-conductive.
Fucking wrong science tard -
the reaction 2(h2o) Oh- + h3o+ will never go completely to the left.
Face it your so full of flaws and cant grow for shit!


Well-Known Member
5.) pH of soil can be very accurately measured, especially in a lab through a process called titration. Take a chemical engineering technology class and you can learn about it. However soil pH testing at home is difficult without some know how, and a lot of healthy math. Most of the time it is easier to just estimate. The best method would be to measure the pH of water you intend on watering with pour it in the pot, collect the runoff and measure the pH of the runoff. Take the average of the two pH readings, your soil pH is likely within -+.4 of this average.
What my solid dry soil has a pH, but solids dont have PH's tard!


Well-Known Member
1.) Botany pH meters are adjusted for the usual temperatures in which plants are grown at. Any difference in conductivity reading between these temperatures is negligible
Again pH meters cannot take into account the tollerances of all different climates of plants so are not set as you are wrongly led to believe for plants, the temperature variance of plants is too great for this tard!


Well-Known Member
And then you realise that hydronium is quite safe to plants in high levels and the theory behind pH and nutrients goes out the window because its not pH that locks out nutrients but more the results of pH based on the crap you been going on about, aluminium ions and all that.

Still with all this science no one really seems to want to bother with these details H+ stands and didnt the IUPAC ask you not to use the word Hydronium in this situation! No one cares for your science applications when in the marijuana growing world, well those that can grow anyway. The older theory is generally accepted to be the norm for gardeners and ive seen people try to explain the BS you been going on about and everyone just says shut up nerd.

Go on and try to explain covalent bonds to some stoner growing weed, good luck with that one! And lets not forget the whole science of this which you nerds have yet to understand yet.

Personally the study of acids and bases has nothing to do with hydronium and more to do with double electron bonds so again you are wrong there. Suppose it kind of depends on which application you use as to which theory you believe. Oh and quantum physics makes a complete mockery of all your theories so bad it hurts! Nerd!
Kingrow, for someone with such a wealth of experience and knowledge, I'm amazed at your inability to discuss something without merely presenting facts and evidence. All this knuckle-dragging e-peen war BS has no place here at rollitup. Please keep it constructive so we can all learn from your experience without feeling like a 5th grader on the playground watching someone get bullied. Off my soapbox now


Well-Known Member
My answer was add lime, i said i didnt want to have the conversation and then i got bored with the science of growing, it never got no-one no-where. \the best move i ever made was to stop pH'ing water and ferts and just let the lime in my soil do that job for me, the chemical reaction is pretty instantanious and to tell you that once i did this all and any pH problems magically disappeared.

Many years ago a guy created fertilizers and basically destroyed all human health - Justus von Liebig - Many years later scientist destroyed all our food and finished the job for him. If you get too into the science of somthing you eventually make it worse, did you not notice all the jungles and forests before we got here or were they gone already. Good to know but not somthing to ever ever get into, im growing some illegal weed not taking a degree.


LOL dude tap water is just fine. Actually the chlorine in some city / town water supplies is good for the seeds initially as it can help kill any bacteria growing on the seeds that you cannot see. MANY grow guides will actually suggest putting a drop of bleach, etc into the water initially for this reason. Obviously once they sprout you don't want to give them anything but purified water. I have almost 100% success every single year using bottled water from 16 fl oz bottles I buy in cases at the grocery store to drink. I also feed my seedlings & plants this way as well, but once they're outdoors I buy the gallons (ie Poland Springs) and I've never had an issue EVER
Regarding watering your seedlings once they're planted. Go ahead and do it. Again, I have almost 0 problems per year by watering the soil around the rim of the pots I have my seedlings in. I do NOT soak the soil when they're seedlings, I just put a small splash or 2 in every morning or every other morning and my babies always grow RAPIDLY. However if you do not have adequate temperature control in your incubation box, closet, cabinet, whatever you use, you may need more than that. Just use common sense. If the soils drying out heavily, give them a small drink. You can always add more, but you cant take it out if you flood them.


Not sure your science holds water there (tehe). PH refers to the percent hydronium in a solution (H3O+) which in distilled water is almost perfectly neutralized by hydroxide (OH-). Although pH in an organic scenario is extremely ambiguous considering the huge variety of other ions involved in the chemical processes. However the concept is still useful as most pH up/down solutions designed for botany take into consideration the other available ions that may exist in the solution and and the dissociation coefficient of H3O and OH with the given ions used in the balancing solutions. The advantage to this is that when the pH is properly balanced within a solution the free OH or H30 molecules become associated with other ions with which they cannot be easily separated from. For this reason I think most botanists with a background in chemistry would probably recommend Ph balancing your water as apposed to battling soil PH as the likelihood of the acid/base conjugation becomes lower as the contact radius becomes lower (I'm assuming the radius in an aqueous solution is lower then a soil solution :P) . This probably results in uneven acid/base conjugate distribution(hypothetically). Ultimately resulting in pockets of nutrients remaining inaccessible to the plant which will eventually degrade into organic salts. I can only speculate on the consequences of salt in your soil, and uneven acid/base conjugation, but I don't really know.
Wow, I am CRACKING up reading these posts. You are going WAY deep into acids, bases, conjugated distribution, etc....but you're asking for advice on if you should water a seedling...Im not poking fun at anyone, this all just seems so backwards to me....Use common sense is what I always say...if they're dry, wet the soil...if the soils moist, don't....use bottled don't need to go invest in some San Pelegrino/Perrier mixture LOL


New Member
Seems complicated with the water, wouldnt normal tapwater be just as good?

Just water them, no plants are really that sensitive to water, thats what they want but if worried find a small pouring jug and water the soil gently so as not to disturb roots and stem.

I germanted 10 seeds 100 percent they lived for ten days,all died 77 dollars shot in the butt , im sitting here wondering what went wrong and what my next move will be