Seedling: Edge curcling up.

First time growing in a few years. My 2 week old seedlings are not looking so hot. Please help me diagnose and treat.

The strain is AK-48 from nirvana seed banks. Feminized if that makes a difference.

I had 5 seeds germinate. I have 3 left.

One fell over and died within 2 days and the other within 4. The stem got noddle soft. On the first, right at the soil line. The second just above the first baby leaves. The second one stayed alive with a limp growing head for a few days before the rest of the stem got weak and it fell over.

The 3 I have left could be doing better.

They are in Schultz seed starter

I will admit when first mixing the soil with water I did not flush more then a liter through it, nor did I mix as as well as I could have. So nute hot spots are a possibility. I have not added any nutes either so deficiency is a possibility.

You can tell most of the rest from the pics. The compact fluro I keep a good distance away about 10 inches. It is a steady 23-25 degrees in there.

I think I have been watering them properly. I have to water them about ever 2-3 days over the past 2 weeks. I let the soil get noticeably dry before fully saturating. This is with plain tap water from a plastic watering can. Maybe the water is bad?

The plants had a growth spurt for the first 4-5 days after they grew their first node, then have not noticeably grew nor worsen much in the past 5 days. The stems were so weak at 1 week that they fell over though not dead, just to lightly lean against the edge of the bucket.

Since then I turned off the fan that was on them and braced them with pencils and twist ties. The stems are now able to support it's self but barley.

The fan may have been the cause of the 2 plants deaths and the 3 others falling over. It was a rather strong breeze left on over night that got them. When I first turned it on, they barley swayed, and after a couple hours they swayed less so I expected them to do good over night, but they weakened instead.

Here are the pics. Taken 24 hours after the laster watering.

Plant 1. Largest leaves. Has the most curling.

Plant 2. Blurry pic. But it is by far smaller of the 3, smallest leaves and shorter. Has significant yellow spots.

Plant 3. I didn't notice the edge curling up until I saw the pic as it's subtle. This was the fastest starter. It is an inch taller and has a bigger space between the 2 nodes, but now has smaller leaves then plant 1.

Plant 3 side view. Plant 2 in the background.

Overview. Distance from the light shown. Top right is plant 1. Left is plant 2. Bottom right is plant 3.

Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I went off the front page so I want to bump.

Was it just the fan? Or should I some how treat the soil? What makes edges curl up on seedlings?


Well-Known Member
turn thefan back on and get the plants as close to the light you can w/o killing the plant to make it stop stretching toward the light and getting too top heavy b4 it has the chance to thicken the stem up since it trying to grow upwards toward the light. fluoresents should be between 1-3 inches away from the plant.