Seedling gettin too tall ?


Active Member
Hello smokers of the world, CannabisGuy is here:leaf:

i saw a pictures of seedling after 10 days and they didnt look like mine
my seedlings are getting tall, and i wanna ask if that's normal ?


Active Member
My friend :) I have had the same problem when I first strted with seedling first off I found when there's allot of static electricity in the air it tends to make them lanky and stretchy, secondly u have to make sure your using cool white colour cfls it realy makes a big difference and get the light no less than 2 inches being furthest I kept mine at about 1 1/2 inches from the cfl at all times. Also if they keep stretching and none of these tricks help u just use thin metal wiring to hold up the seedlings untill they get sturdy enough to transplant deeper and just burry some of the stem to shorten it.


Active Member
My friend :) I have had the same problem when I first strted with seedling first off I found when there's allot of static electricity in the air it tends to make them lanky and stretchy, secondly u have to make sure your using cool white colour cfls it realy makes a big difference and get the light no less than 2 inches being furthest I kept mine at about 1 1/2 inches from the cfl at all times. Also if they keep stretching and none of these tricks help u just use thin metal wiring to hold up the seedlings untill they get sturdy enough to transplant deeper and just burry some of the stem to shorten it.
i have a problem ,
i have one lamp and 4 can i keep the whole 4 close enough to the light ?

it's says 6500K

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
18-20 watts is not enough for four seedlings. you need 4 bulbs to be able to keep them close enough to the plants.

I would go with a 23w daylight bulb for each plant. Go to home depot. a four pack is like 6 dollars. replace it to 20w..the biggest i've got around the house now..
i have a HPS 250W but it's too eraly no ?
That's entirely due to the lighting. - Nothing else -
If you're going to use fluors to start them off, get a 6700k (kelvin scale) light bulb (I use 3) then when they're about a week and a half old I switch to MH then finish off with HPS. This is the absolute best combination of light. Hps will burn your little seedlings even more than MH would but since it's a 250W... I'm not entirely sure how you'd go about it since I've only ever used 400W HPS/MH with conversion bulbs so I don't have to get a new fixture.
The 6700k 21 watt lights go for about $10 each at home depot and it's worth it.
Again, make sure it's 6700k above anything else. Get at least 2 of them... that's how I started, I just added a 3rd 6700k fixture to my baby grow box to help em pop up a little faster.
Using only MH or only HPS through the entire grow won't get you the highest yield but regardless... it can be done.

Make sure they are 2-4 inches from the fluors at all times. (with 6700k 21W CFL lights)
Price - $20 (for a bundle of 2)
Remember though... every dollar you spend you'll be tempted to spend another 50 cents on something completely useless when it comes to growing :] But with me... I spent over $1,500 my first grow... now I grow better with under $200 worth of equipment.


Active Member
18-20 watts is not enough for four seedlings. you need 4 bulbs to be able to keep them close enough to the plants.

I would go with a 23w daylight bulb for each plant. Go to home depot. a four pack is like 6 dollars.
i wish i had a home depot here in israel , but i will search for something.
i have this night-light device
so i dont have a way to plug a lamp to each one..
250W cfl solve that problem ?


Active Member
i have a problem ,i have one lamp and 4 can i keep the whole 4 close enough to the light ?it's says 6500K
Well if you can't find something to prop up the little guys then can u find something to suspend the light so u can manualy adjust it as they get bigger give me an example of your set up so I can help u figure it out.