seedling growth sort of slow and color may be a little off whatcha think guys??


Well-Known Member
alright so i think i started these puppies 2 1/2 weeks ago and i have 4 26w 6500k bulbs on them so far and one 150w 2700k bulb.

Half the soil is an organic mix with some top soil and vermiculite also there is some red worms in the soil and each container has roughly 1/4 miracle grow 2 month slow release that holds 33% more water! lol

anyways i know my water is right at 6.8 so i know its not the water... my lights are at least 4 inches away so it can't be the lights.... a couple of days ago the gnats invited themselves in.... i have been using a tiny tiny tiny amount of super thrive!!!! and i have feed the plants a micro fert but i diluted it by 50% of what it should be... any help would be thankful

ps the first pic is from 2 days ago the other yesterday and lastly today....mary jane 10.jpgmary jane 13.jpgmary jane 15.jpgmary jane 18.jpg i ran 3 1/2 gallons of water through the big ones container yesterday but i cant tell if it looks any healthier the 2nd pics are from today.... thanks guys


Well-Known Member
its a G13 lavender seed is there anyway the purple in the veins of the leaf are from the genetics or low temps i know the temp got to like 65 for like an hour once


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are doing okay for being in a giant pot for a seedling. Better to start them in a small ( 1/2 gallon or smaller) and hold off on the nutes till they get about 4-5 nodes of growth.
If you leave them in that 5 gallon container, overwatering will be an issue as that is way more space (nutes and water) than a seedling needs....jmo

Peace and Great Grows
