Seedling hasn't bloomed it's leaves?


Well-Known Member
First set of leaves baby!!! She made it

There is still some membrane on the stem, if its all the way round with no break it could be worth pulling or carefully peeling it off as well. Dosent happen to me often but it can restrict the stem as it can dry pretty hard. Keep an eye on it.

Soil looks very loose possibly too loose, on a very loose soil with lots of air space i find sometimes they come out sideways a bit instead of busting straight up.

Uncomposted organic matter can be a bit of a nightmare in soil, dont add too much as thats encouraging composting and can rob you off nitrogen.

Just food for thought, none of it is that big a deal.


Well-Known Member
@Indacouch , @whitebb2727 ,i have scienced this problem, and have come to the eureka! point of discovery...

the hard booger mucus sleeve that may be left after the outer shell and outer membrane is split and removed, is called an 'inner shell membrane'.

see chicken egg below for visualization purposes...

As much as i can glean from the subject i believe that seed membrane contains food for the seedling which it absorbs through its cotyledons.