Seedling Help Part 2


Well-Known Member
so now a few of my seeds have cracked the surface of the dirt and are coming out strong. 7 out of my ten seeds are above ground now.....does this mean the other 3 are duds? i figure ill give em a few more days and them get em out of the dome. Only because the 7 that are here are any where from 1 - 5inches already. I noticed some had bigger tap roots than others when i put them in the dirt so it could be possible.
I have got it in and around 21-28degrees for the most part....i think this ok?

How long until i can determine sex? what is the ideal temp and humidity? what is the proper light cycle? i currently have it at about 20 on and 4 off. when should i add nutrients? a few questions.

What is the proper light cycle for veg. state?
How long in veg until flower?
what do i do when the seedlings get to the top of the dome?
I have 1 x 100 watt cfl and plan on putting another soon...should i go with another large cfl or alot of smaller medium based cfls?watt wattage? or maybe t5's or 12's or? whats the best way to go to get bang for my buck?

do these bad boys look good?or?DSC00863.jpg


Active Member
I got my light at 18/6 but I would start on 24 with the new ones, Veg for a mouth then go to 12/12 for flowering. You def have to transfer to 3-5 gal pots in prob 2 weeks t5’s are a good bang for your buck remember the more light the happier they’ll be. start the nutes when you transfer to the new pots and make sure you got a fan ph reader etc etc.


Active Member
also lower the lights to keep them from starching your going to need 6-8 cfl to cover all of them also


Well-Known Member
Sooo...can i put them on 24 hour right now?
how do i transition from the 24 hour light to the light for veg? is 18/6 the proper light for veg?
should i just get a bunch of medium based cfls(smaller)but more for now?
is it ok to put the T5's arount the plants and some bulb over?

Im just a ball fullof questions today thanks man for your help!


Active Member
Yeah put them on now, anything 12 hours or higher is good for veg putting them on longer makes them grow faster. with the cfls you want to have atleast the 25 watt (100 watts) you get them at home depot for like 6 bucks for a pack of 2. i would have the t5 over the plant at the cfls around. also make sure now that your light is closer to the plants 2-3 inch away from them i seen in your pic an they look good, just stretching. also you have a fan in there cause it will get hot in there.


Active Member
Do not worry too much on late bloomers they all come around(95%). Try not to stress them out too much get a light schedule and stick with it!, 18/6..20/4..24/0 all are good. I've always used 24/0 and had good yields. No nutes until week 4 or 5 and use 1/4 strength and increase every other watering... watering should be every 2 to 3 days right now. Sexing them will be probably around week 8-10 depending on what you have. Temp's 75-85 for you nite/day, humidity varies depending on what you have but 50% and above is good. Don't forget your CO2. CFL's should be as close as possible(1-2"). Vegging again depends.. I'd say rough est. is 7 weeks see how they look, then go to 12/12 schedule til harvest. Then go 1/23 for a week or 0/24 for a few days. Then cull the crop. Hope this helps any question just ask we are here to help.


Well-Known Member
CO2...Any ideas on how to add co2 to a 2x2 tent..? i would love to but im not sure the way to go on this one?


New Member
overfeeding and overwatering are your biggest concern right now u need to lower those lights right away before your plants start falling over


Well-Known Member
I lowered the lights after day 3 ish when i noticed they were streching and they prob havent moved up an inch since...they have just started to thicken up and im adding 8x 25 watt cfl today to spread the light more evenly...i also plan on buring most of the stem when i replant per an article that i read here on rollitup..

thanks again for all the help guys it so valuable.
I can only home that one day i get good enough that i can become the one answering the questions!

im always open to suggestions!