Seedling in a MG fertilizer? Any Danger?


kiss-assYea, so. My first grow went to hell is about.....7 Days. Thats all needs to be said about that.
I was seriously trying to use a 60W Incadesent bulb??WTF??

But anyhow im on grow two and i have got a couple CFL's over the seedling. Now, i planted the seedling in a MG fertilizer. Not sure what the NPK is i can get that later if needed. Also I stuck a root stimulator dilluted with water, with the seedling after i planted it. Browsing a couple threads i noticed someone said you don't want to start in a MG 3 month feeding soil etc.... because the seed packs enough enengy and nutrients to support itself untill it can photosynthesize or whatever itself.

Now, is this a great chance my plant will die? or is it just somthing you can have better results by not doing?

And just a ? I had on mind.

If i add foil around the grow box i guess you would say, would it make the CFL give better light to the plant or just magnify and damage it??

Thanks for all the help and advice :joint:


Well-Known Member
Lots to learn my friend.
Ok your seedling will not be the happiest but it should live. You will not need to add any ferts till your into flower now. Keep the cfl as close as you can forget about the foil its just a dumb idea. Get some mylar if you think you need it. My advice to you is to get a book and read it twice. Forget about the web its full of to much chit that will steer you in all kinds of directions. Keep it simple, Let the plant dry out before you water ant let it show pre-flowers before you go to 12/12. Hope I helped


Well-Known Member
Lots to learn my friend.
Ok your seedling will not be the happiest but it should live. You will not need to add any ferts till your into flower now. Keep the cfl as close as you can forget about the foil its just a dumb idea. Get some mylar if you think you need it. My advice to you is to get a book and read it twice. Forget about the web its full of to much chit that will steer you in all kinds of directions. Keep it simple, Let the plant dry out before you water ant let it show pre-flowers before you go to 12/12. Hope I helped
It will probably just take long time to start growing correctly as its getting slightly burned the entire way and eventually will be able to handle it but not a good start as roots wont form well and the plant will be dinky until its old enough to handle the ferts. I agree it probably wont die but wont be happy either, dont allow the plant to sit in very wet soil by watering too much as it will get hotter and PH will get fucked. As mentioned let it dry good before watering and get a fan on the seedling as it also helps to dry the soil a bit. I hate MG as it also has bugs sometimes that come with the bark and shit if they kept it outside. Pro Mix is awesome and contains no fertilizer you should check out your nursury and see if they carry or something similar. Dont get soil from HOme depot or Walmart next time it will be much easier.


Well-Known Member
All of the seeds I ever started in MG did amazingly well. I hate to say this but most did as well or better than ones planted in Happy Frog soil and Jiffy plugs. I do however tend to grow strains that gobble up the nutes. Good luck! Hope things turn out alright.


Well-Known Member
Water only once a week but when you do completely soak the plant...for the first 4 weeks. It is not a good idea to grow in that soil...but it's too late can make it through.

Cool (blueish) cfls for the veg stage which should be 18 hours light on, 6 hours light off. Clfs should be kept about 2" away from the top of the plant. They will need to be adjusted regularly as pot grows fast and you do not want them to touch the bulbs.
Warm (orangish) cfls for the flower stage which should be 12 hours lights on, 12 hours lights off same rule about distance between lights and plant...but you will need more cfls and you will need to position them all around the a blanket of light.

REad all the stickies in the cfl sub forum on this site.


Well-Known Member
doesn't matter if you didn't have a hard time with a soil that is left outside at home depot and is full of bugs but don't act like MG is great just because it hasn't killed any of your seedlings or stunted them. For a new grower having issues with it why act like it cant be the MG. Pro mix is dummy proof and is not going to come with bugs in it and retains water better and if you want nutes that early then add them yourself. White Widow for one does not like it that much. If problems continue I would change to Pro Mix or similar to make sure its not part of the problem because if it is there are no tricks to work around it


Well-Known Member
Do not set a water schedule for once a week!!! That's just a bad Idea. You wated when the plants need it not at a given time. I check the dry weight of the grow container by just picking it up. Then water. Pick it up again. You can see how heavy it is with the water. I dont water unless its light again. That way the plants wont drown. Just dont wait till they wilt.