Seedling Issues


Hello all!

I planted these seedlings straight from seed into a solo cup on 1/22. Here are some progress pictures of them. A few of them show brown/yellow spots, some look healthy. The newer leaf growth on the few that have damage look a lot better.

Some information about my grow:
  • Roots Organic Micro-Greens (seedling starter mix) in solo cups
  • Have been watering with 40-50ml of water every 3-4 days using purified water (0ppm) and PH is around 6.5
  • I have 2 Redwood VS (640watt COB LED) lights in the 4 x 8 although the seedlings are only sitting under 1 of them. Both are on and lowered to 10% output, have been on 24/7 since I planted seed to soil mainly to help keep temps higher. I plan to bring in a heater and start putting them on a 18/6 light schedule. The lights are about 60" away from the seedlings.
  • RH stays between 40-50% and temp is 70-75 degrees

Am I doing anything wrong? Maybe over water? I have been waiting for the soil to nearly completely dry out now before I water, just maintaining a higher humidity.

First picture is week 1. Second picture is week 2 and some shots of the other babies.



Well-Known Member
Looks like you had some pH fluctuations that have been sorted out. Try to maintain the pH of the water you're giving them and check the pH of your run-off Sewell.


Well-Known Member
Shall I add some more micro-greens on top of the current soil to cover the stem? I was planning on doing so when I transplant next week into a 1 gal. Or should I do now?
They will be fine until you transplant.
But he is right. Fill them up next time


Done, will be transplanting this weekend. Considering i'm putting them in 1gal pots, how many cups/pounds of soil should I put in each pot?


Well-Known Member
Done, will be transplanting this weekend. Considering i'm putting them in 1gal pots, how many cups/pounds of soil should I put in each pot?
don't go by weight or volume, fill it till it is full and DO NOT compact it down. As it slowly gets compacted naturally with watering, you can add a little on top


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Hello all!

I planted these seedlings straight from seed into a solo cup on 1/22. Here are some progress pictures of them. A few of them show brown/yellow spots, some look healthy. The newer leaf growth on the few that have damage look a lot better.

Some information about my grow:
  • Roots Organic Micro-Greens (seedling starter mix) in solo cups
  • Have been watering with 40-50ml of water every 3-4 days using purified water (0ppm) and PH is around 6.5
  • I have 2 Redwood VS (640watt COB LED) lights in the 4 x 8 although the seedlings are only sitting under 1 of them. Both are on and lowered to 10% output, have been on 24/7 since I planted seed to soil mainly to help keep temps higher. I plan to bring in a heater and start putting them on a 18/6 light schedule. The lights are about 60" away from the seedlings.
  • RH stays between 40-50% and temp is 70-75 degrees

Am I doing anything wrong? Maybe over water? I have been waiting for the soil to nearly completely dry out now before I water, just maintaining a higher humidity.

First picture is week 1. Second picture is week 2 and some shots of the other babies.
Your plants look great. Just keep on what you're doing and remember these are weeds, they are hard to kill.


don't go by weight or volume, fill it till it is full and DO NOT compact it down. As it slowly gets compacted naturally with watering, you can add a little on top
Roger that, thank you.

Your plants look great. Just keep on what you're doing and remember these are weeds, they are hard to kill.
I appreciate it, just being over concerned I guess considering its the first grow.


How the transplant go?
Great! First time transplanting and I learned the hard way to make sure the solo cups are moist prior to doing it. Moved them into 1gal fabric pots to let them veg a little longer before moving them to 3gal for flower. This picture was taken almost a week ago, they have grown drastically since!

If anyone can help me with ventilation, I would greatly appreciate it. I posted here:

