Seedling leaves drying up with pic

Any one have any idea what is causing this? I Did add two more 23 watt cfl's to my box. That is a total of four 23 watt cfl's and 1 20 watt 24 inch fluorescent. I'm thinking heat stress but i'm not to sure because there isn't much drooping or much yellow.P100205001.jpg


Active Member
Sometimes deformed leaves can found during rapid growth, although not so common in seedlings it is often found to happen during regeneration.


Active Member
Could also be an issue of genetics, a feeble seed as it were, the pattern you are seeing in the first set of true leaves may repeat itself throughout the plant.
Both seem like plausible not reall sure might be both. Might have had something happen to it when popping. That particual plant actually had trouble popping out of the seed and started drooping over because it needed light. I had to pick it off carefully with a set of tweezers. They looked half normal yesterday but then again the leaves were alot smaller.

Well-Known Member
just give it time... heat stress can cause leaf malformation but its not too uncommon to see a messed up first or second leaf set. give her some time and she'll come around with some healthy foilage............ or she'll die soon. lol not much middle ground here. but yeah she'll pull thru just try not to mess with her too much.
