seedling long stems & leaves pointing up


Hi, wondered if anybody cld help/advice me on my seedlings which are 4 days old, nearly 2inch stems, planted in soil. The only growth is the tiny sprout leaves and 2 little normal leaves, which are pointing upwards.......the temp was 30 so I put it down to 20/25. 50r/h. but they seem like they are stretching towards the light....but they were close? They were about an inch away from the 1200luman, single 21watt cfl(cool white) i never remember the ones before doin that. ive moved them an inch more from the light, and dropped the temp from around 30 to 20. May it be a ph issue???.....already, surley not???? baffled, the ones before, out of the same batch, with shorter stem, and flatter growth? can anybody shed some light, if theres any to be shed, or maby im being ott and there gonna be ok?? Thanks for any help in advane


Well-Known Member
Are you providing some ventilation and air movement to strenghten stem? Can you post a picture? You asked about ph? Do you test water? Did you test soil before planting? They are fragile at this point so be feedings for a couple weeks or more. If they need propping it. I use chopsticks and a long wire tie loosely around the stem. Be patient...


Well-Known Member
Just let it do its thing, its hard to tell without pics but it sounds like you are freaking out over nothing. You can always cover up some of the extra stem during a transplant or just LST/top it. You don't have much light power at all so don't expect miracles.

Edit: Also if you are using organic soil and have only added water thus far then I seriously doubt its a pH problem.


Active Member
man they're working on growing roots at this stage . be patient
and don't worry about the stretch if you're planning on transplanting . bury them all the way down to cotyledons and you've got a short plant :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
plants stretch their leafs up towards the lights when they are happy. keep the cfl 2 inches above the plant and have a fan blowin to keep everything cooler and it will make the stem stronger


Thanks for the quick replys... I did have the fans on no, but I turned them on today low to get some fresh air circulation..i don't have any pics but will post just seems not like last time (longer), I know the 21 watt is low, but this is a side light in a chamber, I mixed a little coco coir and pertile and little JI. germinated in tissue, and buried seed bout 1 cm below, so will bury on repot.....stem gone...just the leafs pointing up. I didn't test the soil before potting, thought it would of been ok, watered with ph 7 stable water. Not goin to feed for 2 week?, im going to transplant with fish blood n bone for flowering in about 4 the end of the day Your all right let it do its thing, sort on repot. anyway its: 70wt hps for flower in a separate cooled chamber .2 x 35wt cfl side lights, fan and carbon filter. It all works fine...its just these seemed a bit pointier and longerer.....but a problem shared is a problem solved... this site has been my midnight savour at times of crisis,,,lost and wondering what to do.......rollitup / peace


just wanted to thank you all again, I went through and done everything said,,,,,and, it never seizes to amaze me...this place is fantastic... thanks all.