Seedling males dumping pollen already?

I have a new set popping up out of the soil. I have the lights closer to them. Easy to experiment when you have a ton of seeds.
Have the seeds in coco with roughly half strength nutes. The lights are about 50W and a little closer. The seeds that came from my 1:1 CBD-THC plant that got pollinated without my approval (tried smoking it last night, need to smoke a lot more to deal with the pain. Not great but won't be throwing it out) were sprouted a couple of days before the new sprouts of the mystery seeds. So roughly the same start date, let us find out what turns out. I couldn't fit any more cups in my cloner, will have more room once the males pop up.

Stretchy seedlings there so maybe the lights should be closer yet. Won't be seeing sex for quite some time and 20 plants will take some space once you start repotting but from your previous pics it looks like you have room.

If you want to use that CBD pot for pain I'd suggest an edible rather than having to hoover a bunch of it. Easier on the lungs and has a lot longer effect. I eat my cocobudder later in the evening and get good joint pain relief for most of the next day. Mornings are the worst for me and it really helps tone that down and I sleep really well.

My method is in the links in my sig.

Stretchy seedlings there so maybe the lights should be closer yet. Won't be seeing sex for quite some time and 20 plants will take some space once you start repotting but from your previous pics it looks like you have room.

If you want to use that CBD pot for pain I'd suggest an edible rather than having to hoover a bunch of it. Easier on the lungs and has a lot longer effect. I eat my cocobudder later in the evening and get good joint pain relief for most of the next day. Mornings are the worst for me and it really helps tone that down and I sleep really well.

My method is in the links in my sig.

No idea why I didn't get notified for your post. Yes, eventually I want to do edibles, I'll check out your method.

The plants, I thought if half are males, out they go. I have found from the last bunch that most look less than robust and out of ten there might only two or three worth continuing with. May have to try out again some time, I screwed up. I have some pesticide for plants but the bottle pump is screwed. So I bought a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide that I was going to dump out and use, used the same one for the silver solution. But then I remembered reading maybe hydrogen peroxide killed bugs also (fucking aphids). Used it on my mature plants with no problem, these guys did not fair that well. So most likely going to dump them, going to give the two or three best ones a few more days though.

Had an outdoor plant get pollinated by someone else's male, I collected the seeds and wanted to find out what the result was. A number of males developed and this morning one had some pods open. I moved the cup it was in over to get a better picture of it (didn't help) and it dumped a powder into my tray. I am guessing it was pollen but I have the plant's on 16/8 and they barely have fully formed leaves, not even a month old. Is this viable pollen? I hope not.


Basically the same thing happened to me with a supposed femmed Blueberry OG.
Burst pollen at 3 weeks from germination.
I knew it was male or at least herm but wanted to mature it to see what it was like.
At least the other plants were still young.
You would think they are starved for light but I had the leaves praying than I raise the lights up higher. The males shot up like crazy and the females (I am guessing as they do not have pollen sacks) are half the size. I weeded out the males, I was not sure if I should keep the pollen as I don't know who the daddy was, If I need so some day I will just pop a few more seeds and get some. The girls I will grow out, I just did not know a male will produce pollen in a month and with 16/8 for light.
I had mine with two t5’s practically on top of them. No burn; the one male stretched like crazy. Seriously- 3 weeks after germ he blew his polls.
No idea why I didn't get notified for your post. Yes, eventually I want to do edibles, I'll check out your method.

The plants, I thought if half are males, out they go. I have found from the last bunch that most look less than robust and out of ten there might only two or three worth continuing with. May have to try out again some time, I screwed up. I have some pesticide for plants but the bottle pump is screwed. So I bought a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide that I was going to dump out and use, used the same one for the silver solution. But then I remembered reading maybe hydrogen peroxide killed bugs also (fucking aphids). Used it on my mature plants with no problem, these guys did not fair that well. So most likely going to dump them, going to give the two or three best ones a few more days though.


A little dilute ISO would probably work better than peroxide to kill some bugs. As long as the centre of the grow tip is green they'll get over it and grow out new stuff shortly.

I still have some thrips going on and tried mixing up some Gnatrol and spraying down the plants last night. They go thru 2 larval stages after hatching so thinking maybe it could kill them at that stage. Couldn't find anything on the 'web about that but thought it was worth a shot. Found 3 adults today but didn't figure it would bother them any. If it does kill the larva then shouldn't find any more adults after a few days. Plants didn't seem to mind the spray.

A little dilute ISO would probably work better than peroxide to kill some bugs. As long as the centre of the grow tip is green they'll get over it and grow out new stuff shortly.

I still have some thrips going on and tried mixing up some Gnatrol and spraying down the plants last night. They go thru 2 larval stages after hatching so thinking maybe it could kill them at that stage. Couldn't find anything on the 'web about that but thought it was worth a shot. Found 3 adults today but didn't figure it would bother them any. If it does kill the larva then shouldn't find any more adults after a few days. Plants didn't seem to mind the spray.

I was using 99% Isopropyl from Green Scissors last fall to help contain first signs of botrytis so I could finish out good sections. Didn’t seem to hurt the plants much as it evaporates so quickly, which also helps to take moisture with it. I wouldn’t go crazy with it as has a very strong cooling effect, but overall I consider it pretty safe and the higher the percentage alcohol the less trace elements that can be harmful.
And, yes- bugs do not like it! Puts them to sleep or freezes them or something.
Use sparingly.
A little dilute ISO would probably work better than peroxide to kill some bugs. As long as the centre of the grow tip is green they'll get over it and grow out new stuff shortly.

I still have some thrips going on and tried mixing up some Gnatrol and spraying down the plants last night. They go thru 2 larval stages after hatching so thinking maybe it could kill them at that stage. Couldn't find anything on the 'web about that but thought it was worth a shot. Found 3 adults today but didn't figure it would bother them any. If it does kill the larva then shouldn't find any more adults after a few days. Plants didn't seem to mind the spray.

dr doom

I tried that Dr. Doom years ago but didn't spray often enough. What I've found that works great for mites, thrips etc is good old insecticidal soap with 10ml/L canola or neem oil. I think canola oil is in Dr. Doom and know it's in many other sprays.

I buy the 500ml bottle of Safer's End All concentrate that cost the same as a 1L spray bottle of it pre-mixed but makes 10L. Just need to supply your own sprayer and what grower doesn't have a few of those hanging around.

Trick is to be consistent and thorough with your spraying. For both mites and thrips every 3 or 4 days for 4 or 5 sprays does the trick. I get a real bright light to shine on the plant so I can see where I've missed and make sure I get every little spot when I spray. Fans off so it stays wet longer but I just move them away from the grow light until dry then put them back and turn the fan back on.

I tried that Dr. Doom years ago but didn't spray often enough. What I've found that works great for mites, thrips etc is good old insecticidal soap with 10ml/L canola or neem oil. I think canola oil is in Dr. Doom and know it's in many other sprays.

I buy the 500ml bottle of Safer's End All concentrate that cost the same as a 1L spray bottle of it pre-mixed but makes 10L. Just need to supply your own sprayer and what grower doesn't have a few of those hanging around.

Trick is to be consistent and thorough with your spraying. For both mites and thrips every 3 or 4 days for 4 or 5 sprays does the trick. I get a real bright light to shine on the plant so I can see where I've missed and make sure I get every little spot when I spray. Fans off so it stays wet longer but I just move them away from the grow light until dry then put them back and turn the fan back on.

i used the fogger. no spray on plants... i mean ya it gets on them anyways but youre not directly spraying plants just the air
had thrips bad from a cut given to me and nothing worked. didnt want to spray end all. sprayed once. then again in 10days. no more thrips
i used the fogger. no spray on plants... i mean ya it gets on them anyways but youre not directly spraying plants just the air
had thrips bad from a cut given to me and nothing worked. didnt want to spray end all. sprayed once. then again in 10days. no more thrips

I got a few thrips now but have just been killing them by hand. Couple days ago I mixed up some Gnatrol in water and sprayed them down. They go thru two larval stages after hatching so figured it was worth a shot. Seem to be less now and the two or three I've found lately are all adults so maybe it's working on the babies.

I got a few thrips now but have just been killing them by hand. Couple days ago I mixed up some Gnatrol in water and sprayed them down. They go thru two larval stages after hatching so figured it was worth a shot. Seem to be less now and the two or three I've found lately are all adults so maybe it's working on the babies.

fuck they spread disease. get rid of em asap. they lay eggs inside the leaf and hatch out. really hurts your plants bad. lost a couple moms because it weakened them so much they were just junk
fuck they spread disease. get rid of em asap. they lay eggs inside the leaf and hatch out. really hurts your plants bad. lost a couple moms because it weakened them so much they were just junk

They have to be exposed to disease to be able to spread it so I'm not worried about it. I've had them on and off for the last 20 years and when I only find 3 or 4 in 9 plants after a serious hunt with my magnifying glass it's not a big deal. Now with mites I go full bore to get rid of those little demons.

I should start spraying and get rid of them but that's a PITA too. Might just mix up a pail of it and dunk them for full coverage.
Trashing all but two or three of the plants. All the seeds from the second bunch were really stunted. They could come back with some TLC but why bother? I'll do it again another time. I have some other seeds that have known genetics and should keep me entertained for the next while.