Seedling not showing sex

It's all strain dependant. I've found sativa doms, especially equatorial in nature take quite a while to show pre flowers, and I've had quite the few photos that show sex as soon as nodes start to offset.

These had pre flowers after around 6-7 weeks and didn't start to flower until 11/12 weeks in.
Indoors I've had plants show sex well before flip, or several weeks after. I just wait now and stress less.
Mine always show pre-flowers 4 to 7 weeks after germination, no cloning or changing to 12-12 light cycle required. I usually start them under 15 hours of light so that I can put them out mid-June without having to change the light cycle to match the outdoor light cycle in my area for that time of year. I bet it will show soon, I've never had one not show.
Hi, so when people say ball sacks. Is it 2 or more pods at the node?
I hve 1 pod at some nodes. Will a wwhite hair pop out of it or are they balls?
Should I chop it down?
2nd week 12/12
Gorilla glue
Hi, so when people say ball sacks. Is it 2 or more pods at the node?
No, sometimes there is just one male pod in the pre-flower stage, but white hairs as pictured above are the best indicator. Sometimes the very first pre-flowers that emerge can be difficult to interpret, if you can't tell right away keep watching the pod(s) that you can see for hairs to emerge, and wait for the pre-flowers that come out of the next node. Sometimes I have to wait for the second or third set of pre-flowers before I am able to feel certain.
Any pictures?
I’ll probably cut it down to be safe. It begged 6weeks and 2 weeks flower now. The rest showed hairs by end of first week.there’s like a 2mm stem then the pod.better to be safe I’m thinking
If one in pic it's a girl for sure, even my males look like females before transition. Hatched April 28 th -31, and put out may 25th brought first one in july 1 st, was male on July 8 th and second one took 10 days so July 18 and was male too.3 rd plant too 10 or so days to show and thank God she's a girl. The extra veg time didn't hurt. If it has a hair is female most of the time, a flower is male, usually yellow or white.
If one in pic it's a girl for sure, even my males look like females before transition. Hatched April 28 th -31, and put out may 25th brought first one in july 1 st, was male on July 8 th and second one took 10 days so July 18 and was male too.3 rd plant too 10 or so days to show and thank God she's a girl. The extra veg time didn't hurt. If it has a hair is female most of the time, a flower is male, usually yellow or white.
Thanks mate appreciate it