Seedling problem?


Active Member
First grow right here, have one plant going right now...

That link isn't the plant, but it is in that exact stage of growing. A few questions I have though...

My top leaves are turning yellow, and the first leaves that showed up, I believe called the seed leaves, the round ones, have shriveled up under the plant and look close to falling off.

I had this plant in one of those 6 seed trays at first, I'm using just some random organic potting soil.

I was watering in the tray once a day with just straight water +h202.

I recently transplanted it into a 1/2 gallon grow bag with the same soil.

I water it every other day with botanicare power plant, on the other days I water with a little straight water and some water with vinegar and H202 added. I'm using the vinegar to lower my Ph, it seems to be high based off of the POS wand I have to test it.

From what I've read and learned through books and online it could either be a Nitrogen deficiency or the Ph is too high... my meter has it at about 7-7.3.

Based on your guys experience, what is most likely the cause for this? The plant has been sprouted now for about 3 weeks.

Also, to lower the Ph, should I just adjust the water I'm using or add something to the soil? I'm kinda confused on how the Ph is so high... the plain bag of soil has the correct Ph, so I'm guessing it's gotta be the water.

Any help appreciated, thanks!

Almost forgot, growing under T5 strips right now for veg, 24hr of light, 56 total watts using 4 tubes. Have a fan blowing on the plants the whole time, they're in a type of cabinet but I always have the front open... right now the inside will get to like 85+ degrees if I put the flap over it... I rigged up some panda film so I can eventually flower and veg at the same time. Temps stay now from 75-80.


good water to use is water from a dehumidifier (sp?)

how long has the plant been in dirt buy its self ... maybe u can give it a weak dose of food ? but i needs the root base to do that


Active Member
Over doing what? And kidding with what?

Man, aren't you a great help.

It's been in soil now for three weeks, it's in my first post.

And why water from a dehumidifier, is it Ph balanced for some reason?


Active Member
Even in tiny 6 pot trays that dry up at almost a daily rate? They only started turning yellow initially after I missed a day of watering or two.


Active Member
my plant is only 4 days old and i water it everyday 3 times a day...but i don't put much water. i just fill the cap of a bottled water and pout it about twice?
should i slow down?


Active Member
my plant is only 4 days old and i water it everyday 3 times a day...but i don't put much water. i just fill the cap of a bottled water and pout it about twice?
should i slow down?


Well-Known Member
Good thing you got your temps straight. That links doesnt work though buddy. I wish we could see the plant..when you say seedling and you water every day then you might be overwatering it, they dont need that much water just light (keep them close too). 24 hour of light is fine but less day light hours (14-16) increases chances of females. Get some pics!


Well-Known Member
She looks pretty green, it takes about 2 to 2 weeks for a seed to sprout of soil so for 3 weeks thats not bad. She looks short from the top. Just keep those lights close and temps down. Seedlings grow best around 72-74F. I dont see much yellowing though but maybe in a week or so you can give it a slight dose of nutes? Might want to ask others as well.


Active Member
Good thing you got your temps straight. That links doesnt work though buddy. I wish we could see the plant..when you say seedling and you water every day then you might be overwatering it, they dont need that much water just light (keep them close too). 24 hour of light is fine but less day light hours (14-16) increases chances of females. Get some pics!
okay so as of right NOW it has been around 16 hours of light. so i put kristen away. here are some pics of her in my room. sorry for having such a shitty set up but it's for one plant that well be grown in the wild when big enough. i watered her 2 times today. should i water her tomorrow?

does the plant get to decide wether to be a fem. or male? why does it increase chance of being a female with less hours?



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
get your ph around 6.0 to 6.5. leaves are turning yellow cuz of nitregon def. leaves that look more white then yellow is overwatering. let the soil dry out a bit b4 watering again. when starteing the nutes use at 1/4 strength and work up. lighting, airflow, and ventatation are very important also.


Active Member
get your ph around 6.0 to 6.5. leaves are turning yellow cuz of nitregon def. leaves that look more white then yellow is overwatering. let the soil dry out a bit b4 watering again. when starteing the nutes use at 1/4 strength and work up. lighting, airflow, and ventatation are very important also.
i don't have a ph measuring thing...damn it. Think i could buy one at true values? or hard ware/ garden store?

leaves aren't turning yello or white, they're just pretty damn bright green.

but i'll still buy a ph thing. thanks in advance man. saving me time!


Well-Known Member
i don't have a ph measuring thing...damn it. Think i could buy one at true values? or hard ware/ garden store?

leaves aren't turning yello or white, they're just pretty damn bright green.

but i'll still buy a ph thing. thanks in advance man. saving me time!
Garden store or hardware, some have those tablet ph test kits or strips. At petstores they have ph kits and pH up and down so u can adjust it yourself ;o.


Active Member
Here's that picture from the link, it's at this stage but the top leaves are yellowing.
your leaves are turning yellow because of i was told in you thread.
something to do with can purchase thise ph thing at a petstore... lol this is what i was told bro.


Active Member

Is it just me, or did you guy accidentally post in here?

And to Intuition, that's not my plant, that's just the stage of growing it is at.