Seedling problem


Well-Known Member
Hi my seedling was doing great until I repotted it...
It's stem is becoming white and it stopped reaching for the if it too heavy and it's falling down

Any tips?
I've added B1 and it's in repotting soil with very low nutrients in it like 0.08-0.06-0.07 or something like that.
I also had temp problems but that was a few days ago (4-5) and I don't think it's related.

I have a 400w dimmed to 250w 2 foot over the seedling.


Well-Known Member
Hang in there. Pull damp soil up around the stem all the way to the cotes if needed. Back off with the light for a day or two. Water only when it is dry - NO NUTRIENTS.

Get a 23-watt CFL on it instead of HID if possible.


Well-Known Member
Possibly pythium (damping off)... in my experience, once you get it, you are pretty much fucked. Certain genetics fall more easily to it than others. Higher temps will help pythium grow faster.

The one and only time I had pythium it took down 10 Critical Mass seeds, one by one, vectored in by fungus gnats. The Sannies Killing Fields growing right along with them grew just fine.


New Member
Hey sunny , not having a photo for diagnosing such is tricky , but simply put the seedling is either putting down roots or it has begun to die from possible damp off or just the odds and its fate ..

Not every sprouted seedling survives sad to say and with that said I hope its just rooting , when they are in the pre-vegetive stage the growth rates can seem like nothing to our eye when in reality it may have doubled in size ..

Patience you will need much of when it comes to growing cannabis , then when you succeed you will use it to harvest at the right time and dry and cure as well patiently .. Its a bitch I know lol


Well-Known Member
I'm actually very patient... I just wanted to make sure I'm doing ok...and it's not's just that the middle of the stem is kinda discolored...
less is more in this case. make sure the soil isnt to wet so your not worrrying about rot root. seedlings only need a shot glass or two of water ever day or so. good luck mate


Well-Known Member
BC kushmaster...I think you were's straight up again :)
and my Vanilla kush is finally poking thru the dirt :)


Well-Known Member
Hi my seedling was doing great until I repotted it...
It's stem is becoming white and it stopped reaching for the if it too heavy and it's falling down

Any tips?
I've added B1 and it's in repotting soil with very low nutrients in it like 0.08-0.06-0.07 or something like that.
I also had temp problems but that was a few days ago (4-5) and I don't think it's related.

I have a 400w dimmed to 250w 2 foot over the seedling.
How long has it been since repotting? Is there a chance you shocked her and she is focusing on recovering?