Seedling Problems, NEED help with Soil


Well-Known Member
thats not nute burn mate, bb light mix hardly contains any fert, ive used it loads. look at the stem, its well purple, thats a P def im sure. seedlings use quite alot of P and K in the first weeks developing a rootball, iv had that with the light mix loads and a light feed of bb bloom fert sorted it out, bb light mix really is literally just for germed seeds and rooting cuts, pot up into a bigger pot of bb all mix and it will sort itself out from the extra fert in the all mix, if you are in uk save yourself some pennies and get some westlands west+ multi purpose soil with added john innes at ya local b&q, it pisses over bb and canna soils at less than half the price.


Well-Known Member
looks like the same thing that happened to me first time I did a aero build. You still have your lil oval leaves those are like nute pockets. I would just let it go and not add anything to it and if they die they die looks like your only a week in. If they die try a different soil mix.


Well-Known Member
if they die they die? that may be the guys only beans. its a P or K deficiency im 100% sure of it! i gave up the light mix a while ago, well all the overpriced and over rated soils. a seedling of that size shouldnt have a purple main stem like that, and necrosis of first leaves, i used to get very light purpling on my young plants petioles in the first week or so in bb light mix always until i re-potted into the all-mix or gave them a light feed 1ml per litre of bb bloom fert because of its high P and K value, you wanna be re-potting up asap aswell mate, get them into bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
I just added 1/8 tablesoon of The Biobloom into 3/4 a liter of water and added a couple drops of the BioGrow also and sprayed it in the soil. Hopefully it will help..THanks!