Seedling Problems


Active Member
This is my first grow.

My seedlings are shirvelling up and dying. I have one left.

My grow room is a 6'X6' tool shed. They were doing fine for a while. Then I did two things differently. I lowered the 250w MH over them, and I fed them water with Miracle Grow. At first I thought it was the MG, but now I think that the 18/6 250w MH just dried them out. I was giving them just a little water. I also misted them under the light.

I've got more seeds coming. I'm thinking of getting CLF lights for the vegetation grow.

Do you think that the 250w MH was too much for the seedlings?

For my last seedling, I turned off the light and put them in the shed window. I hope it makes it.

butt weed

Active Member
First of all dont mist your plants in the light it burns them. 2nd no 250 watt mh is fine for them just keep it a good distance to where the plants are not being affected by the heat. Lastly no fertalizer while they are that small it tends to over feed them.


Active Member

I like to soak the seeds in water for 24 hours or more, then plant them in the soil. Should I keep them in the dark while waiting for them to break the surface? If so, how long should I keep them in the dark?


Well-Known Member
This is my first grow.

My seedlings are shirvelling up and dying. I have one left.

My grow room is a 6'X6' tool shed. They were doing fine for a while. Then I did two things differently. I lowered the 250w MH over them, and I fed them water with Miracle Grow. At first I thought it was the MG, but now I think that the 18/6 250w MH just dried them out. I was giving them just a little water. I also misted them under the light.

I've got more seeds coming. I'm thinking of getting CLF lights for the vegetation grow.

Do you think that the 250w MH was too much for the seedlings?

For my last seedling, I turned off the light and put them in the shed window. I hope it makes it.

The amount of light doesn't matter as long as you have it on and over the pot you are growing it in before it sprouts.

You said you lowered it down afterwards, so that would be all or part of your problem.

Second you used fertilizer to water you seedlings, You need only plain water for the first 2 - 4 weeks and I recommend everyone wait till after 4 weeks to use a diluted nute mix.

That was either all or part of your problem.

Third you mentioned watering them, so I'm going to take a guess and say you were probably overwatering at the same time.

I believe you did several things that contributed to the death of your plants and the last one has little hope of making it.

I would get a new pot with new soil and water with plain water. Take the last seedling out of the old pot as carefully as possible and then gently wash the soil off the plant and then put in the new pot and hope for the best.


Active Member
Thanks, la9, I think you nailed the problem. That last seeding died two.

I have more seeds coming, white widow, 15. I have one seedling that came up from a mix batch.

I want to soak the ww seeds for at least 24 hours, whether cracked or not, into potting soil and small peat moss pots with drainage.

I will grow them in a 6'x6' took shed outside. I have a 250w SunSytem MH light. I want to grow 4 to 6 plants. The night temps are about 40s now, and will get as low as the 20s in mid winter. I plan to keep the temps up with the lights and a heater that goes off and on. I live in the high desert of Southern California, so humidity is always low.

So, for now, how should I germinate my seeds. When they sprout, should I keep them in the dark? When should I put them under lights?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
Hey, I don't soak my seeds or put them between paper towels or any of that stuff.

I get a good potting soil, one that says it is safe for seedlings, and fill half a 16 oz plastic dixie cup up with it. Then I water the soil and let it drain from holes I drilled in the bottom of the cup. I then make a little hole in the soil, plant the seed and then cover the seed with loose soil in the cup with my finger. Then I put a couple drops of water over top the seed and make sure it isn't laying on top the soil when I'm done.

Then put you light over top the cup and you are done, you will have a sprouted plant out of the soil in 3 days. If the plant gets weak looking from fast growth you can add soil in the cup and make it sturdy again.

Then just keep the light close to the plant but far enough away not to burn it, you can tell this by putting your hand at the same level as the plant, is your hand warm and comfortable or did you just call an ambulance for 3rd degree burns ? You get the idea.

I'll add a chart here in a minute also.


Well-Known Member
Here is the chart I promised, it will show you the hieght above the plant your light should be. If it isn't clear after you click it, you can click it again with the magnifying glass and it will be clear after that.

