Seedling question/trouble


Well-Known Member
Just one more quick question. I have 4 seedlings growing atm. 3 of them are coming along very nice. Sitting a few days older than a week. But the 4th plant does not seem to want to grow. Check out the pic its the plant on the right and you'll see what I mean. Thanks for any advice. Should I just pull this one out now or give it some more time? they are all about 1" away from 2 65watt CFL's



Well-Known Member
I figured I would at least give it one more week. It can't hurt. I'm getting ready to transplant the other 3 into larger pots so I'll just leave that one alone and try not to disturb it.


Active Member
ya for sure don't take it out. it looks healthy its just a baby.
by the way., i am fuckin blown right now!:mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
LOL join the club. I love checking the topics here then go back and do it "again" I see so much stuff I missed high.


Well-Known Member
grow it,, why not grow it,, if its female you may as well,, it cant hurt and youll have extra weed.... Ive grown 2 to 4 in 1 pot and had great results,,, I know its not recommended but you godda do what you godda do sometimes.... Youll wish you had it at harvest time.....:leaf: GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR GROW....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'm 100% with you on that. It can't hurt to let it live lol. If nothing else it could be some entertainment for everyone here via pics if it keeps growing strange.


Well-Known Member
Well our little plant in question finally started to grow a bit. It's really starting to remind me of Timmy from southpark lol. Sorry about the pics the cams not that good for close ups. It's starting to look a lot like nasty green corn flakes or something.



Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm about to transplant them in the next day or two. Who knows maybe just maybe it will be a she and make some great bud.