

Well-Known Member
so after i plant my seeds, how often should i water them? should i keep the soil moist at all times? any instruction on how to raise a seedling untill its big enough to transplant would be great

el martin

Active Member
this is what i say: make sure that the soil is moist and isnt dry on the surface because dry soil will kill the plant. it is important to keep the soil moist so the roots dont dry out so watering a sufficient amount of water every 2-3 days is good enough. now when it is time to repot the plants into bigger containers is when there are either signs of roots coming out the bottom of the pot or it is starting to outgrow the pot


Active Member
The surface of the soil will dry out before anywhere else... so it isn't a good idea to keep it moist. This will lead to overwatering.

Best to water when the soil is dried out almost completely... saturate then dry out... drying the soil out will aid in providing more oxygen to the roots.

Keeping it moist is not a very good idea at all.

skunk skool
(Google it)


Active Member
yes that would be about right... maybe even longer with cfl's. Let the soil dry out though, not too much so it cracks, but just so it's dry. You should be able to tell from the weight more than anything else. Unless you buy a moisture meter of course but these are really unnecessary.


Well-Known Member
really the weight thats interesting, just starting a grow in may and dont want to be a slave to the plants all summer and be able to make it to a cottage for the weekend lol

cause watering every 2-3 days should be perfect

still worried to spend all this time then have them die cause of watering :P


Well-Known Member
i am at the seedling stage and using CFLs i watered them when i first got them about a week into sprouting and i have only watered them once in a week because they are still moist and damp to the touch so the roots are still getting plenty of water my plants are now about 2 1/2 weeks old. I do have them in a nursery so that might be helping to keep the moisture in but they are doing pretty good.
Hope this helps abit.


Active Member
no, not at all... cfl's are ok to use for veg'. But not the best. The light you use will just mean the plant will grow slower/faster and the medium will dry out quicker.if you ever see the plant droop and you haven't fed for a few days, then it needs water. although checking the weight and watering before the plant droops would be preferable.


Well-Known Member
that is how my plants started but i had to move them inside so for the first week i did both sunlight from an open window and cfl's as to not shock them into the cfl light so far they are thriving under the now constant cfl light im doing 24/0 hours right now and shortly will slowly start to shorten that. and do some time off for dark hours.
good luck


Active Member
water every 3 days, like above, when it gets dry ontop, truth is there is no one way, use common sense, be consistent and use moderation, there is no need to go to extremes, besides once plants get over 3 feet its hard to kill them.
Growing WEEDS is really easy, you dont want to baby them, you want to make them tough,,,get the best soil Ocean forest,,, and good lights and water them, and leave em alone!!! Most problems come in is when people tamper around with things too much, and end up complicating things. Take a botany class!