Seedling sprouted in a loop?


My seedling came threw my coco and seems to have gone back into the coco so now it looks like a little white semi circle will it pull its way up and threw or something?
That is very strange behaviour for a seedling. I can't help but wonder if it's depressed or something and is trying to end it all. If it was me I'd gentle pull it's head out and prop it up. That isn't normal


Active Member
This has happened to me. Keep it moist and put a light over it if you haven't already. One of those ends will eventually break away from the seed husk and pop up.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Did you witness the seedling grow up and then grow back into the coco? or did you just notice that it had broken the surface but was a loop?


Well-Known Member
That's how they commonly grow. Think about it, the leaves are relatively big an its harder for the plant to force that out the the ground compared to to stalk. It should fix itself a hours or a day but you can help it out too. Welcome to growing plants :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yop. As I thought. Gff has it right. This is his they often grow, most plants infact. And as the stem grows up, it will pull the cotyledons out of the coco and they will then open up. Give it a day or two :-)


Active Member
You planted it upside down or too deep---
carefully use a spoon to get it out of the coco-- find the top where the cotyledon leaves are and re-plant with just the leaves above the surface of the coco-- IF it had "J-rooted" too much and the tap-root end is pointed in the same direction- you may have to start over with new seeds.. sorry hun.. it happens.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You planted it upside down or too deep---
carefully use a spoon to get it out of the coco-- find the top where the cotyledon leaves are and re-plant with just the leaves above the surface of the coco-- IF it had "J-rooted" too much and the tap-root end is pointed in the same direction- you may have to start over with new seeds.. sorry hun.. it happens.
This is bad advice. The seed is growing just fine, just as seeds if untold numbers of plants do, be it cannabis, or parsley. Why do people always advocate tampering with their seedlings when there is ABSOLUTEOY no need?


Well-Known Member
This happens when you plant a seed upside down, the pointed end of the seed is where the root emerges from and travels down the length of the seed, therefore a seed which is planted upside down will waste time and energy turning itself up the right way.

When you plant a seed you plant with the pointed end up, don't go poking around to try and rectify the mistake because you are more likely to cause damage.

The seed knows which way is up.


New Member
My seedling looped I was worried (i had buried too deep) and the loop is now out of the soil but plant is doing good and looking strong I'm keeping a close eye but if I can get it strong enough I don't think it will be a problem but the loop is a part of the base of then stem now , not sure if it will correct it self and straighten out once a bit bigger maybe .... Well c