seedling stretch!


Well-Known Member
what do you mean unbuffered? I have cocogro, Its supposed to be sterile and inert and flushed of most salts when you buy it. Do you mean that there were no nutrients present in the coco or that it wacked out your Ph and locked the nutes in your solution?


Active Member
what do you mean unbuffered? I have cocogro, Its supposed to be sterile and inert and flushed of most salts when you buy it. Do you mean that there were no nutrients present in the coco or that it wacked out your Ph and locked the nutes in your solution?
The coco I had a problem with was like a brick that you pre soak so it swells to about four times the volume. By unbuffered i mean it had no added nutes at all. Even though I now use coco with added nutes I still add Formulex and Nitrozyme. Formulex is a very weak nute so is idea for seedlings and cuttings. I just add 2 ml everyday with a syringe into the coco that surrounds the stalk.


Well-Known Member
I plan to fortify my coco before i put the plants in with some dilute cocos A and B formula

are jiffy pucks "unbuffered" or do they have enough nutrients for the first couple weeks of a seedling?

Back to the original topic of the thread: I know my seedlings are stretched but, for next time I grow a seedling, how short should it be by the time it puts out the first true leaflets? what is a good seedling height that isnt stretched? Im guessing 1 inch?


Well-Known Member
I mean how tall is the seedling not how far is it from the lights. Should a healthy not stretching seedling be about 1 inch by the time the first leaflets have fanned out? just for future reference


Active Member
I mean how tall is the seedling not how far is it from the lights. Should a healthy not stretching seedling be about 1 inch by the time the first leaflets have fanned out? just for future reference

One inch is fine. Sometimes a little material from inside the seed casing sticks to the top and delays the seedling leaves from opening up. I get tweezers and gently remove it to allow them to open sooner, never force it though it should come away easily. As for Jiffy pellets as far as I know they are un buffered. I always leave them to soak in Formulex, Nitrozyme and Root excellerateur for 24 hours before use.