Seedling Stunt Growth (Pic)


Genetics: Hericules from Sannie's shop, Netherland (Indica)

Lights: 45W Flourescent 'white' x2 (Running 24/0)

RH: 60~70% (Humidifier inside tent)

Temp: 77~80 F (120mm PC Fan x3 blowing)

Medium: GH Coco Coir/Perlite (60/40)

Water PH: 5.9~6.1 (No nutes)

This seedling has been 7 days since planted in a cup after germinating as above (4 holes bottom)

I have really tried best I could do but it does not seem to grow from at this point for almost 2days..

Is this looking normal for 7days old seedling?

To me, it looks kinda healthy but very slow..

Please any advise...T^T


Well-Known Member
roots before shoots, and some seeds grow faster then others, dont get worried unless it looks the same at the end of its second week, as for right now it looks fine for its age


Well-Known Member
Most of the light comes off the sides of those bulbs not the top. It looks fine, first couple of weeks growth is super slow.


If you guys say it looks alright~ then it might be alright~

I'll wait about a week more with patience.

Thank you so much guys~


Well-Known Member
They're going to need to be in bigger pots. Those little cups will eventually stunt growth, but not at 7 days from seed.