Seedling Temps


New Member
Hey guys I am new to the forum:blsmoke:. I just stared some bag seed about 4 days ago and had 100% germ. I currently have them in solo cups, under a 36w cfl. I wanted to know if 82 degrees was too hot for them. One of them is definitely stronger than the other however idk if temp might be affecting it. Before the temp was around 86 but I raised the light a little be cause is was worried.

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
no need to worry about heat with 36 watt CFL...I keep them about 1 to 2 inches can't really burn them, the closer the better

As for the heat, 82 is not bad but not you have a fan... even a PC fan will help move the heat


New Member
Yes I just repositioned my pc fan and the temps dropped by about 1-2 degrees. I will post pictures please tell me your opinions.