seedling that wont break surface...


Junior Creatologist
So i have a seedling thats taking forever to break the surface.

I did a little investigating, and the seedling is still like 2 inches from the surface, but the seed is still on the head of the seedling. Do i perform surgery n try to remove the seed from the top? or do i just wait her out for a couple more days till she hits the surface, n the seed will crack even more n pop off the top?

Lemme know what to do, cuz these fuckers werent cheap n i aint tryin to ruin nothin here..



Junior Creatologist
yeh, i know, n i took some soil out of my pot to correct the problem. So heres an update. she broke the surface yesterday, but she broke the surface with the seed still on the head of the stem. So i GENTLY took a pair of fine tweezers, and only touching the seed, i pulled it off, n it came off no problem. But there is a transparent layer of protective skin on the inside of the seed - i guess you could call it a membrane, or placenta if you wanna use human biology as a reference.

So it looked like the head of a big ass pin for a few hours, and then it started to peel back a little bit, but it was showing signs of stress - it was turning brown at the top. So i took a hypadermic needle, because its so thin (diabetic) and i hooked the lip of the skin covering the head of my plant. It came off pretty easily, but now the plant is lookin a little wierd. The milk leaves refuse to straighten out n green up - they are still curled, and the tips look brown, but it could be purple, i dont know - pretty sure its brown though, gonna bust out my jewelers loupe in a minute n find out.

Anyways, this typa shit dont mean that my girl is gonna die does it? shes got a really strong stem, and her roots are already pretty deep into the pot, So i know shes strong, but the top is just lookin a little sickly. Maybe ill take some pics in a little bit to let you guys see what im talkin about...

feedback, as usual, is always appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You probably killed it when you took the shell off, it falls off when it's ready. Get another seed and try again at the correct depth as stated by danny.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i dont think it will die if you look after it. i recently sprouted 5 afghani#1 and 2 of them had the shell still over the leaves when they broke the soil. i dont think i had the membrane but all came out ok.


Junior Creatologist
You probably killed it when you took the shell off, it falls off when it's ready. Get another seed and try again at the correct depth as stated by danny.:peace:

thanks for the advice bro, but my shit didnt die, and it aint gonna die neither. The stem of the plant is strong as hell for bein 2 days old. As far as the milk leaves, even if they dont perk up, the true leaves are gonna grow out within the next day or two. I aint wastin none of these fuckers.

n i know how to plant a seed dude. You SHOULD plant it 1/2 or 1/4 inch into the soil, but i plant mine deeper so they can take stronger root before they pop out of the soil. But seriously, no sarcasm implied - i appreciate the feedback bro.

N Danny, good lookin out man, im watchin that shit close, n givin it some straight distilled action right now misting it every 4 or 5 hours. U think i should grab somethin for it? like hormone or nutrient wise? theres some shit at my dro shop they sell thats like steroids for seedlings. I cant remember what the hell its called tho.


Well-Known Member
i dunno man. i was always led to believe never give your seedling anything untill its 2 to 3 weeks old. depending on size i presume. i personally wait 2 weeks.
some advice on your seeds. i used to think the same about when i planted my seeds, plant 1 inch down. but when you do this it takes longer for the seedling to get to the light and the seed only has so much food and energy stored before it needs the light.

what strain are you growing by the way?


Well-Known Member
Dear lord don't give it any nutes! Straight water is all it needs right now, and ur right, it aint gonna die. And oh ya, learn how to plant ur seeds.... jk ha!ha! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Dear lord don't give it any nutes! Straight water is all it needs right now, and ur right, it aint gonna die. And oh ya, learn how to plant ur seeds.... jk ha!ha!


Junior Creatologist
LMAO CALM DOWN!!! I DIDNT GIVE IT NUTES!!! hehe, but seriously man, im not givin it a damn thing but water, i was just askin if there was somethin they had at the dro shop that promoted stronger growth in seedlings. It aint like im on a hunt to go find it or nothin, i mean, the sprout has growth, even though the milk leaves look like shit, its theNEXT set of leaves im worried about - the True leaves with the teeth. In the middle of the two retarded leaves, there are two bright green points. those points are the beginnings of new growth in the plant vis a vis - a new set of leaves. I just wanna make sure that nothing happens to her before those new leaves pop out.

Shes a female seed, n i aint doin nothin to her thats gonna cause undue stress. Fuckin preventing hermieage is the name o the game this time around. I want a 100% female rate. seeds are too expensive to have to worry about sexin the fuckers. They should just sell nothin but feminized, unless you special request regular seeds. Those should be reserved for breeders n breeders only. Sensimillia is the way to go - flat out.


Well-Known Member
yeah i love to go feminised too. it kills me to pull a plant. be it male or not. usually if the wethers ok here i bring it into an area with a couple of trees and plant em. never went back though.


New Member
First of all..never disrupt or fuck with ANY seed thats aleady been buried in the medium.The most that will happen is it wont surafce,or it doesnt germinate.However by,touching it,you risk breaking or damaging the sensitive me,if you keep the medium moist,not'll eventually surface..Now,Ima share the methd I use to ensure ALL the seeds germinate,and they ALL surface...

1.Get a small shot glass or any other cup.Fill with lukewarm,or room temp water.If you can,use bottled water,if nt,tap water is just fine.Drop the seeds in the water,doesnt matter if they float or not.Now leave the seeds to soak for the night....or around 10 hours.Then get 2 paper plates with a wet papertowel...plae the seeds on the wet paper towel and wait for the taproot to be around ---- long....then just place the taproot down into the soil..around half an inch in..the seedling should surface in around 24 hours.