Seedling to DWC tranplant confused...


Hi guys, got some simple question.

In the marijuana horticulutre book it states it takes 4-6 weeks for seedlings to fully mature to begin the vegetative stage.

But, is it fine to just plant fresh tapp rooted' seedlings, which are 7-14 days old, and put it inside the DWC net pot and let it chill there?

If that method is fine, what do i need nutrients? there are conflicting ideas of feeding nutrient or just spary some water until it grows to be ready to vegetate.

And one more question guys, if I put my seedling inside the bucket how far should my 600W MH light be away from it?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, got some simple question.

In the marijuana horticulutre book it states it takes 4-6 weeks for seedlings to fully mature to begin the vegetative stage.

But, is it fine to just plant fresh tapp rooted' seedlings, which are 7-14 days old, and put it inside the DWC net pot and let it chill there?

If that method is fine, what do i need nutrients? there are conflicting ideas of feeding nutrient or just spary some water until it grows to be ready to vegetate.

And one more question guys, if I put my seedling inside the bucket how far should my 600W MH light be away from it?
I believe you got your facts a little confused or at least the horticuluture book did, your plant is a seedling for a very short time actually. Once its first true set of leaves come in then it is in the veg state. Its then another 4 to 6 weeks until your plant is mature and its starts showing preflowers. So to answer your question yes you can put your rooted seedlings directly into a dwc setup. Only use 1/4 nutes to start out with


Well-Known Member
heres the answer to your mh question

somewhere between 6 to 9 inches is the optimal way but if you have poor ventialtion then you might have to have it higher so you dont burn your plants


Active Member
hey hofosho, DWC is super easy and i think you will be happy with the end result.
anyway it depends on the plant as to weither or not to put it in the system, not the number of days old it is. generally you want to see more than just a taproot, a nice white healthy system of roots is preferable.
that said i have put newly sprouted seedlings into a DWC system, im talking just sprouted out of the peat pellet. the key is to keep the water level just below the net pot so the seedling doesnt get soaked (small seedlings cannot handle flooding like an established plant and will more often than not fall prey to "damping off") just let the airstone bubbles splash water onto the netpot and the resulting moisture will grow it out well.
as for nutes. a small plant needs very little nutrients, about 200 ppm is the standard though i personally use a little less. some people start there plants with flowering nutes because they help grow large root systems, but in my experience that isnt necassary, i wouldnt transplant anything that doesnt have roots to uptake nutes, so feeding to grow roots doesnt make much sense to me in this situation. personally i give them light vegging nutes as soon as there in the DWC kit. watch your plant, when it starts really growing (shooting upward vigorous growth, with branching) then you can increase your nutes slightly and gradually until you find your plants are happy and green with nutrients uptake in sync with vertical growth.
as for your last question, its tricky. ideally with a 600wt metal halide you want it about 18-24 inches away from the tops of plants. or as close to the tops without burning, a simple way to test is to put you hand at the top of your plants, if its uncomfortably hot raise the lights until its not, then tie a string to the reflector that length so you can easily monitor how far away your light is from your plants.
however seedlings especially will stretch toward light, and having to keep your light that far away will cause slightly lanky plants, your best bet is to put them under a CFL or T5 while there young and transfer them to your MH after they seem established and are definately vegging, this way you can put the CFL or T5 light almost right on the plant without burning it, this will keep your internodal spacing short and ultimately give you tighter more compact buds.
all that said dont follow the books, or seed companies timelines exactly they are more like guidelines, sometimes it will take longer (especially predicted flowering times) and sometimes shorter, the plant in this picture is only 14 old, from the day it sprouted from seed, and it is ready to flower, btw it was grown in DWC from the moment it sprouted269.jpg270.jpg


you can place your lamp half a meter from it and you can decrease the distance up to 40cm if temp is ok (70F) and leaves are not folding or getting yellowish


Active Member
Some say seedlings do not need any nutes for 20 days..some say they do...
who should i listen to?
listen to your experince, set up two small tupperware DWC systems and grow one with nutes and one without, then you will know for sure,

but i find seeds contain enough food to allow the plant to thrive for a week or so without any nutes, whatever you do dont give them alot of nutes or they will certainly die


Wow that plant grew much faster than what I saw in the book, lol
Once the cotyledons sprouts I can just move to DWC and start with vegging nutes huh?


Active Member
Wow that plant grew much faster than what I saw in the book, lol
Once the cotyledons sprouts I can just move to DWC and start with vegging nutes huh?
yeah but like i said be careful you dont give them too much nutes, or drown them


your supossed to feed them ever since the first set of leaves shows up- at least with a 4er of nutrients, you should also keep increasing slowly the amount of nutes by watering on top (if theres room in the reservoir for+ water ofcourse) with a more concentrated solution until- that way you will help em developing roots faster, just keep an eye on leafs they let you know how theyr feeling, cheers