seedling transplant help +rep


Well-Known Member
I started some seeds last a little over a week ago they are all doing really well the ones that sprouted.

I put the sprouts into 2x2 grodan cubes. They have a main root coming out the bottom and have grown the first full set of real leaves and are losing the initial set.

I was gonna move them to some light warrior in small pots and get em out of the dome.

Is this to early? they all have a root protruding out the bottom. should i let them develop a good root system before transplanting the cube into dirt?


Well-Known Member
As long as they're hardend-off, you can transplant them. Usually a plant won't harden-off when it doesn't have sufficient roots to support the rest of the cutting/seedling. But given the size of your plant, I'd wait until maybe it has developed 3-4 nodes before transplanting.


Well-Known Member
HOMEB- these from seed my man

i would have gotten rid of dome as soon as they broke soil and started useing a small coscellating fan in about 2nd week giveng it a little root simulator and thrive

i normally give 1/4 strenth food at 2 weeks mist with water until then

are you gona grow in soil if so just put into cup or pot i just germ put into red beer cup 3/4 full of beginner soil add soil as it grows

cover with plastic wrap small hole for air and place on a heating pad at 80 degrees under flouresent tube till brek soil then off with plastic

first 2 weeks water only stay on heating pad till transplant at 3 weeks earlyer if healthy and lots of vigor later if slow puny or not looking strong

then i split red cups down the sid one on each side then open like a flip top bok laying it on its side place ball in hole

i have pot to transplant to prepared watered through day before from there big girl lights


Well-Known Member
I started some seeds last a little over a week ago they are all doing really well the ones that sprouted.

I put the sprouts into 2x2 grodan cubes. They have a main root coming out the bottom and have grown the first full set of real leaves and are losing the initial set.

I was gonna move them to some light warrior in small pots and get em out of the dome.

Is this to early? they all have a root protruding out the bottom. should i let them develop a good root system before transplanting the cube into dirt?
You can transplant now if you want. The stem is pretty long and skinny. When you transplant, put the cube in deep enough that some of the stem is now under the soil. This will give added support, and it will also allow new roots to develop along the stem that you now have under the soil.

You can wait a little longer but the roots are looking for water, so your seedling is ready when you are.