Seedling twisted first set of leaves


Hey guys I really would need advice from you, happend to me few times already but still dont know the cause of this twisting first set of real leaves, it´s auto (Think Different) 7 days old in coco (30l fabric pot) watering with PH 5.6-5.7, root juice 1/4 strenght, Cal-mag half strength, added 1/8 strenght General Hydroponics Flora CoCo Grow and Bloom, Temp 26-27,5, RH 55%-70%, using hps 250w from seed its about 45 cm away, 20/4 light schelude, watering with plain Ph water every other day.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys I really would need advice from you, happend to me few times already but still dont know the cause of this twisting first set of real leaves, it´s auto (Think Different) 7 days old in coco (30l fabric pot) watering with PH 5.6-5.7, root juice 1/4 strenght, Cal-mag half strength, added 1/8 strenght General Hydroponics Flora CoCo Grow and Bloom, Temp 26-27,5, RH 55%-70%, using hps 250w from seed its about 45 cm away, 20/4 light schelude, watering with plain Ph water every other day.
do the directions on your GH system instruct to feed cal mag,root juice and 1/8th strength GH?


No they CoCo series have Cal mag in them but still I added because I red that coco needs quite a bit of Cal mag and I added root juice from biobizz


Well-Known Member
I guess it´s probably overfeeding I gave her too much, will do only Ph water for few days
Yeah, could be a little bit too much extra "stuff" but seedlings do all sorts of weird shit. I get twisted babies all of the time and don't feed for at least 3 -4 weeks or usually after first transplant. I think she looks beautiful!


Well-Known Member
Not that it matters now but for future grows this might make things easier. I've been growing in coco for years but I don't start seedlings in it. The reason I don't is because coco has nothing in it except what you add. I've found that it can be difficult to prime the coco for seedlings. I start seeds in 2.5" x 2.5" starter pots of soil. A decent soil will have everything the seedling needs without the need to guess on the proper nutrient strength. Once the seedlings have a couple sets of leaves and the roots have filled out the pot I transplant into coco and water with 1/4 strength nutes and increase the strength as the plant grows. The small amount of soil doesn't change anything and you just follow standard coco growing methods after that.
I don't like to have to baby my plants but starting seedlings in coco can be a challenge at times. The soil method is a "set it and forget it" method. Light and water is all that's needed.
Good luck with your grow.


Hey guys have another questions not sure if its light bleach or nutrient problem or normal :D the lime green at the young leaves and on the second node leaves tips are kinda turned down :/ any ideas ? I raised the 250w HPS on 65cm away and last time I was only watering with PH water 1 day ago

