Seedling with 2 sets of leaves the day it sprout?


Active Member
Just planted 2 about 4 days ago. 3 inches down or so and they sprouted yesterday and both of em are like that. Just didn't know if it was a common thing

Grow Monster

Well-Known Member
Just planted 2 about 4 days ago. 3 inches down or so and they sprouted yesterday and both of em are like that. Just didn't know if it was a common thing
3" down is alot. It was growing in your medium. By the time it surfaced it had leaves.. I only go about 1/2" down and sometimes seed shell is still tryna hang on.


Well-Known Member
3 inches down is deep I lay mine like fingernail length basically a centimeter down. The deeper they are the harder it is to break that top layer to pop up and find the want to make it easy for the seeds.