Seedling with curled downward leaves and Seed not popping


New Member
Hey guys I germinated 4 seeds about 5 days ago. Within 2 days with the paper towel method, 3 of them sprouted a root and so I planted them in my soil. Now as in the pictures, there is one that has curled in leaves which I am worrying about.

Temp/Humid - 81 F / 39 Humidity

By the pics are they doing fine or no?

Also I have one seed (also in the pics) that hasn't full popped yet with a root. You can see the root trying to bulge out of the shell but hasn't been able to. After seeing it not being able to pop, I threw it in a glass with water to see if that would work. So far it hasn't. It's been 5 days since starting germination. Is it a dead one or should I wait for a couple more days?




Well-Known Member
How often are you watering them? Also did you be sure to be very careful handling the seeds with sprouts? It's best to handle them with tweezers and wash hands.


Well-Known Member
In all but one of the pictures its coming out of its shell... All plants do that... The one pic where it's already out looks like it's over watered. Stop soaking them, they're just seedlings.


Well-Known Member
they look fine to me. seedlings will do all kinds of acrobatics. best to just leave them alone and let them do their thing. you'll have casualties along the line, like your sick one. a lot of times they start to pop and for some reason they just never have the energy to go farther. you probably know all this: at this stage don't over water. don't mist them. don't feed them.


New Member
I have not water them at all ever since I transfered them paper towel to 6.5 PH distilled water soaked soil. That was like two days ago.

I have like 8 x 200W equivalent CFLs on them.

I hope the poor baby will pop a root.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of people gently cracking the seed open when this has happened. I have also heard of people using their own urin to fertilize so that doesn't mean it is a good(or bad) idea. I have not worked with seeds a lot, and when I do (for other plants) I just stick em in soil or rockwool.