Seedlings/400W HPS Light Question


Well-Known Member
how far should the 400W HPS Light be from the tops of the plants from day 2 til harvest? thanks


Well-Known Member
any hid isnt good for youngsters imo. Think of it as throwing a infant in a tanning bed. I use cfls and t'5s till third set of leaves.
any hid isnt good for youngsters imo. Think of it as throwing a infant in a tanning bed. I use cfls and t'5s till third set of leaves.
if all you have is a h,i,d it will work fine as long as its aircooled for seedlings far better than cfls or t5s..I started my seedlings under my 400 a month ago and 8 plants are 1foot 6 inches tall..Id say they are loving it.


Well-Known Member
Damn. How are the plants likin that? Any pics?

Grow journal...check it out....hasn't been updated but I have been having a hard time with nute burn...trying to heal before taking pictures...I have a 14" high NL and it must have 14-15 bud sites on it....they look beautiful and getting really dense...I have been having trouble keeping fan leaves...seems like everytime a new node starts the old fan leaves fall off. IDK WTF to do...I also have a nitro defiendcy and nute burn at the same time...weird hey?

Maybe thinking that the "nute burn" is actually from misting the plants...and possibly burning them...IDK i'll figure it out...hopefully...:weed:


Well-Known Member
Well...seedlings are the only thing that can have too much light...but I would actually say that flouros are better until they at least have a few nodes on them...and then still start the far away from the HID


Well-Known Member
if all you have is a h,i,d it will work fine as long as its aircooled for seedlings far better than cfls or t5s..I started my seedlings under my 400 a month ago and 8 plants are 1foot 6 inches tall..Id say they are loving it.
Not saying it wouldnt "work" I just feel it is overkill for seedlings. Also for cfls I don't use normal cfls. I have 3 150w cfls that require a electronic ballast on some babys right now. They go under the hps tomorrow after 1 1/2 weeks so im not saying to keep them under cfls forever just long enough to get a good system established.
ok i misunderstood then..but 315 watts of cfl dont yo think thats overkill.thats way more energy and heat than a 250 would give off..


Well-Known Member
People i dont mean to be silly(rude,disrespectfull) here but plants thrive on light. Light is a source of food for plants(believe it or not):lol:. The more light that u can give ur plant the better.;-). It is just a question of the heat situation.Too much heat and u will frazzel them:!:. So i guess what im trying to say is that u CAN use ur 400w on ur seedlings,just as long as u keep an eye on the temps of ur seedlings,by adjusting the height of the light as required.:-P



Well-Known Member
yes that is true but by raising your light you may cause them to strecth
yes correct but,by keeping an eye on the heat u can lower the light to as low as u can without burning them.i do this with mine all the time and have never had any probs..start about a foot away and work down until u think its good. stetch will only happen if u keep the light consistantly far away from the tops of the plants.;-)