seedlings have fell over


Well-Known Member
maybe they didnt fall over maybe the seed was planted upside down ans they are growing sideways... maybe. a pic would def help


Well-Known Member
how tall would you say they are? either way they need to be propped up with a mound of soil or tied a post of some kind. good luck with these because if they survive there gonna be like 10 ft tall with no leafs starting for the first foot and a half and will need to be held up there whole lives, im guessing.

id start germinating some more seeda and use a few cfls with in an inch or two from the top leafs


Well-Known Member
how tall would you say they are? either way they need to be propped up with a mound of soil or tied a post of some kind. good luck with these because if they survive there gonna be like 10 ft tall with no leafs starting for the first foot and a half and will need to be held up there whole lives, im guessing.

id start germinating some more seeda and use a few cfls with in an inch or two from the top leafs
nah, they will be fine probally, initial stretch is almost unavoidable sometimes just transplant it into a bigger pot and bury it up to the first leaves. but do start a few new seeds just in case.


Active Member
Good Luck with the Alaskan Ice. Be sure you have a lot of room for it to grow. It is a great smoke but it sure gets excited while growing. I stopped vegging mine at 12 inches and it even with LSTing it in circles it got to be 4 feet tall. It was massive but a very good high and smooth smoke. Good Luck I said just mist now, You can mist down into the soil to to saturate it. It will be fine and the light will be fine where it is. Just try to avoid pouring water straight on the stem of the plant and knocking all the soil off until that stem gets a little thicker.
do they fall over from too much water or too little or both? i really cant tell wether im giving them to much r not, they seem to dry most of the time


Well-Known Member
did u transplant it? i dont know anything on rockwool really i prefer jiffy pucks but u should water when you can push your finger 2-3 inches into the soil and it feels dry. normally every 3 days is what my 5 gallon pots take to dry out
there all in 1 inch r/w and where alredy in there big pots surrounded in soil, 1 is in a 4 inch, it must b a watering problem but ppl r guessing ive gave tem too much but i only ever water when the cubes r totaly dry. i dunno what to do, how long can they go without water, i could just leave them with no water for a while to see if they get better


Well-Known Member
it might be dry on the outside....

EDIT: Good way to judge the if it has water.
Take a unused cube of rockwool..and get the feel for how much it weighs.
so if you think it's dry...just pick it up and if it's any heavier than the unused's good.