Seedlings In Bad Shape.


Active Member
Ok I watered each 105 ml each. Also I decided to feed them anyways despite not having ph meter. I can correct ph when I get it.

Fed them 1/4 strength

1 Sativa has grown 1/2 an inch since yesterday its at 3 1/2 inches.

1 Indica has 4 new leaf growths on top, is nice and short, and stem is getting nice and thick.


Well-Known Member
yo clarion make it easy on yourself, go to walmart or where ever n get yourself a bag of lime in the gardening section it comes in a lil 4-5 dollar bag, sprinkle a lil on the top soil according to the directions and forget having to worry about pH


Active Member
The FFoF comes with dolomite and something else for ph stabilize but i still have to worry about water ph right? and at that point, i might as well check runoff to check soil ph too. I think its still worth the investment.


Active Member
Today is picture day. Also is their 3 week b-day. They are really filling out more. Huge growth in the last week compared to the first 2 weeks. I wish I didnt do everything wrong to start!

That 1 sativa grew another 1/2 inch in the last 12 hours. Its 4 inches now. I am going to top the sativa's when they hit 5-6 inches.

Another thing. I know they are still so small, but when I opened my room I got a wiff of fresh growing weed! That was a nice change.

Pictures coming later!


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure the dolomite lime evens out the water pH within the soil, i could be totally wrong on this, but im pretty sure thats what the limes for, to make sure the ph evens out to a neutral level

don't take anything i say as solid tho, hell im dealin with root rot so obviously im no pro at this shit


Active Member
nice, im around week 2 and thinking about flipping to 12/12 in the beginning of week 3. to keep them short and im using cfl's. how long are u vegging for?


Active Member
Im not sure yet. We will see the growth as it goes on and then when they get to about 1 1/2 feet of so i will flower them. maybe a little taller.

Thanks for the vote of confidence about ffof! i'm so happy i put them in it.


Active Member
So im wondering. Should i put them back under my 600w hps untill i get mh bulb? or keep them under the 4ft floro strip?


Well-Known Member
Take a pic of the stems with your finger in the pic as a reference. Under normal circumstances I would've said yes. Hell some people use hps from start to finish Since the hps is more intense and brighter but I remember reading that one of your girls became flemsy and needed support standing. If that is still the case then I would hold off. That hps light is going to cause a vertical growth spurt. But growing too tall too soon would kill an under developed plant. But the pic should help gauge plant growth and development


Active Member
Today is picture day anyways so ill get some pics up next. All the ladies are standing on their own. I even LST the 2 tallest sativa. Looks good from my end. Some leaves are longer and wider than my pinky finger now and I got big hands ;)


Active Member
Mkay. Got my ph tester today. Works great! found out my water straight out the tap is 7.2-7.4 and after letting it sit all day it went up to 8.2! I figure this is because of the chlorine evaporation allowing it to become more basic. So I added some distilled 5% vinegar and got it down to a comfortable 6.5. I'm so glad I bought this ph meter! otherwise I would have continued watering with water that was above 7 ph! even 8!
I also watered as its been 3 days and soil was dry. 4floz (118ml) each.

Maybe now that I can monitor the ph of what I water with, they will grow better and suck up more nutes!


Well-Known Member
Purple stems is lockout of phosphorous due to overwatering in your case or temps too low. I get grrn stems now but took me a while to realise seedlings need very little water. Here is a link to my seedlings and their perfect stems compared to the purple ones i use to get. Water less.

Taken me years to water the right amount and prick them out of peat cubes when they germinate and add the right drainage to my soil, i hopefully will have perfect seedlings from now on. Peace


Active Member
yeah i only got purpleish stems on like 2 plants. and it was only for a short period, all new growth and before growth is fine, just one little section on 2 plants so im not to worried about it :D


Well-Known Member
Not too worried! What about the next time you do some seedlings, some people dont wana learn dude. That seemed like you overwatered those seedlings and purple stems is what you got followed by stunted growth until the plant could finally grow enough roots to overcome being overwatered.

You asked and i gave you the answer dude, do some research but it certainly wasnt genetics and probably not temp so reduce the water for seedlings by a lot. Peace


Well-Known Member
there is another thread on here specifically about purple stemmed seedlings, may be a nute is locked? cant remember exactly how dude explained it but may help