Seedlings In Dirt?

I have 5 autoflower seeds in Ocean Forest right now but its been 2 days since I put them in and nothing has sprouted out yet(they were germinated with about 1/8 tails when i put them in) is this O.K.? what to do?


Just make sure it's dark, moist and warm. The cardinal rule in cannabis growing: "Be patient; give it time", it's only been 2 days, just let Nature do her thing.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
If it is in the dirt already it can have some light over it. Just make sure it has a humidity dome of some sort over it and make sure the soil is MOIST not drenched but moist. And like said give them some time. How deep did you plant them? I start my seeds right off in FFOF about 1/4 to 1/2 in down. Closer to 1/4 and they pop in a day or two. Just give them time. Did you put the tap root up or down? Remember the tap root grow up then curls down to pop the seed shell up and out. So if you planted it upsidedown it will have to spend extra energy growing up and out.



Well-Known Member
It is moist and warm - it will sprout - usually it will reach the surface in 4 days or so - be patient.

I once had one sprout after 26 days - and it was a f***ing male !!!