seedlings in the wild

If it works in your spot, consider wrapping some chicken wire around them, then as they grow, you can wrap a "tube" of chicken wire around the plant to support and help protect the buds. Problem is, you might still get unlucky depending on your wildlife situation. If there are a lot of deer around, you never know. Supposedly mint essential oil deters deer, so you could always try that as a foliar spray-diluted in water of course. Guerrilla growing is fun but there is also a lot of potential heartbreak involved. Where I used to live by biggest threats were gophers and deer, so I did what I could to deter those two kinds of animals. The animal situation might be different where you live though, so you have to adapt to your local threats. Good luck!
Deers don’t last long around here following human scent. They get used to it but highly doubt they follow it to anything
Ohio, deer capital of the usa.. they r in the yards in the cities the population is so bad. Deer tracks are what made me say deer, even tho I was surprised to think it could of been a deer
There are no deers tbere it s a spot in nature near a lake, I live there since I was a child and seen only owls foxes rats mice eagles
I have a guerrilla grow in progress. A few of my smaller plants got chomped right away. I am having a battle with mites on a bigger plant. I am making raised beds and putting sand paper on tops to especially out slugs. These are seeds I made, so if I plant 60 and get a few I will happy. The ones doing best were grown in 1 gallon bags then traveled to their new home and were planted in ground.
Sandpaper works for slugs?
It works in my backyard garden. It rips them up if they try crossing over it. Get nice and jagged sandpaper put a strip on the sides and or on top and hope they try. I hate slugs. I pour salt on them if they are near any of my plants cannabis or other. I kill them and hang them with a stick through them for other slugs to see.
Ya i hate them things too. I heard they don’t cross copper but sandpaper is much cheaper lol
Ponder this:
How did cannabis grow for a million years before humans domesticated it 12,000 years ago?
Cannabis does not need much coddling to survive.
Coddling is needed only for yield maximization.
"The majority of feedback from those who have consumed them seem to be that slugs have a limited taste, but a texture not unlike squid or abalone. But for all there is to know about the ins and outs of slug eating, you can check out this post from the Feral Food blog, as they have the best advice for preparing them! They cover in full detail how to ‘purge’, prepare and cook slugs for maximum taste, and also all best practices. Information on eating slugs is still quite limited, and there are a small number of well known edible species which it is best to stick to."