Seedlings in trouble!!!


Plz help my seedlings seem to be wilting/dying off on me and I am a horrible person for this crime. A MURDERER!!!. Anyway as you can see from the pics some plants have yellowing of the outside of the leaves and others look fine except a single leaf has turned completely yellow. Also my one big healthy seedling is starting to show symptoms as well (the very edge of the leaf is starting to look yellow/brownish). They're growing in fox farms ocean forest, no nutes have been given yet. We have been keeping the soil moist and just gave them their 1st real watering yesterday. The temps have been around 75ish with low humidity. They're under 2 40watt t12 florescents parked about 1"-1.5" above. Oh I don't have a ph tester yet, but plan to get one this friday. Also these seedlings are exactly 10 days from planting after being germinated. A few other questions I have are:
1.)Can you use lemon juice to safely lower the ph of h2o, soil, etc?
2.)Does baking soda safely raise ph?

Thanks for your help fellas xD:joint::joint::joint:xD



Well-Known Member
looks like it wants some water, your soil seems to be very dry.. but its hard to say by just looking at pics ya low is the humid, you dont want it to low at this stage, you should keep it at 60-65 atleast


Well-Known Member
looks like it wants some water, your soil seems to be very dry.. but its hard to say by just looking at pics ya low is the humid, you dont want it to low at this stage, you should keep it at 60-65 atleast
your soil looks really woody like foxfarm happy frog or something and this dries out very quickly so i think watering is more your problem. i would not worry too much about nutrients or ph unless its a problem in your area and then would use store brand bottled water. i like to use p pods for my seeds as they are easy to monitor the least for me.


Ok I'll start using my spray bottle to try and keep it more moist. Also would boiling my water first make it as good as the bottled h2o at the store? I'm kinda too broke atm 2 go buy bottled water, gotta get gas 1st lol.


Well-Known Member
dont boil your water , it fucks it -robs the metals are something . just get tap water , make sure its in a very open container for the chlorine/chloride to evaperate and leave it over nite.
it wil NOT be your PH . u need different soil , go down to your garden center and buy "SEEDLING SOIL" it comes in heaps of brands its by far the best soil .
your plants are small and do not need much water , but your soil is shit and drys out lol. id get new soil and water only once ever 3-4 days


Active Member
That is definitely not fresh Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil - I see too much salt buildup already if this soil has only been used for these seedlings. I would add water and put a humidity dome over it. Some of them don't look too bad, but there is at least one that was a goner. Sorry.


Okay here is what we did to increase humidity for them and I also turned up the heater. Do you think they have any chance of survival? The soil truly is fox farms ocean forest! What do you look for when looking for salt crystals? Maybe I got a shit batch? If so wtf I will sue for loss of profits!!!!!



so far so good, took the humidity domes off the 2 that survived as they're too big now, and transplanted. Now they seem to be getting little gray/brown spots on the lower leaves, and they feel kinda dry. I've been spraying them with h2o like 5-6 times a day and think maybe water burn marks? Also I'm going to get some nutes on friday, what all will i need? Should i just get fox farm grow big, and some micro nutes? Lemme know what you guys think woot woot!

