Seedlings need Help... Please

I have not feed these seedlings nothing but water, They were started from seed and 2 are falling over i dont over water them, they are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest potting soil under a T5 and i give R/O water..In need of help, Thanks Guys!IMG_0800.jpgIMG_0801.jpgIMG_0797.jpgIMG_0799.jpg


Well-Known Member
Put them in bigger pots and add dirt up close to the first set of leave and much distance is between your canapy and light


Well-Known Member
Keep your T5 as close as possible, that's why they are stretching they're looking for light, and yest transplant in bigger pots.
Thanks... Will do first thing in the morning.. i was thinking about transplanting into coco.. Is that a good idea or should I stick with the Fox Farm?


Active Member
thats what I did for my seedlings used some Potting soil mixed with Coco and like 40% Perlite I like my soil airey though. thats just me