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Hey guys long time no hello. Hoping someone can advise on how to prevent other seedlings from shriveling up. Planted directly in DWC reservoir, she sprouted a few days ago and have been keeping a plastic wrap over the net cup to keep humidity up during while germinating...she sprouted a few days ago and last night I removed the plastic and woke up to find her all shriveled up. The other seeds next to her are looking good with plastic covers still on them though how long do i need to keep them in high humidity or how do i prevent them from drying up after removing plastic? It's November & in a small grow tent with relative humidity about 35% ave.. seedlings kept under 24hr light + trying to keep up overall humidity so after i remove plastic covers they don't shrivel long do i need to keep them in high humidity/under plastic and when i remove the plastic how can i prevent them from drying up?