Seedlings Too Close


Well-Known Member
How can i get them apart without damaging them? idk why the hell they're in the same pots, but they are, and now i need to fix it and i tested with tomatoes... lets just say if what happened there happens to my weed, i'll cry.. please help.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
how can you not know how they ended up in the same pots, lol? you don't give many details. how old are they? i kinda can't figure out what you're talking about either. are these tomatoes? a pic is good.


Well-Known Member
they're weed, the tomatoes i really don't care, and they're about 2.5 weeks old. and the reason i didn't know they were like that is they got knocked over by my dog and i scooped them all back into pots, hoping i separated them. i sifted through dirt for seeds for like an hour and did the best i could. sorry, my digi camera fell in the greenhouse sink when this happened. big disaster. over excited pit bull. I love her though.... but she really fucked me. lol. any help on separating theswe lil guys would be appreciated. also, how do i delete this post when it's done?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
they're weed, the tomatoes i really don't care, and they're about 2.5 weeks old. and the reason i didn't know they were like that is they got knocked over by my dog and i scooped them all back into pots, hoping i separated them. i sifted through dirt for seeds for like an hour and did the best i could. sorry, my digi camera fell in the greenhouse sink when this happened. big disaster. over excited pit bull. I love her though.... but she really fucked me. lol. any help on separating theswe lil guys would be appreciated. also, how do i delete this post when it's done?
ahhh, i gotta get a dog! if they're really small, i'd let them get a bit bigger/stronger before doing any root damage. once you get some good root growth, you can just cut them apart with a knife. you may get some droop, but they'll prob be fine. no, you don't need to delete this post. someone may find it useful.


Well-Known Member
hey, thanks silky! big help. i think i'll give them another week or so, no more,
these are bagseed testbatch anyhow, i'll have Mandala #1, 8MilesHigh, and TOPSKUNK44 in a week or so to start (late) but they're supposed to be quick and easy.


Well-Known Member
by the way, if anyone knows anything about growing these strains around the Eastcoast USA outdoors OR indoors (starting an indoor op in a few months, once the outdoor is nearly self-sufficient) and I'm a total noob. I've spent literally HUNDREDS of hours the last few years on here, still, it's always nice to have the constant reassurance of fellow growers. ;)


Well-Known Member
its super easy just loosen the dirt around them and grab low on the stem and ppull up and put em in seperate containers. i used to start like 8 in one pot then do this method to seperate them. i was a kid i dont know why i did this LOL