seedlings under 24/0 light?


My seedlings are 10 days old . First 7 days they were under flourescents. 3 days ago I put them under a 1000 watt hps. The were under 24/0 the first 7 days . The last 3 days they were under 20/4. I read that seedlings should be under 24/0. Should I put them under 24/0 or will this confuse them.?


Active Member
they can stretch a bit in the dark period under 20/4 or 18/6 but not too much. i always put mine 24/0 for the first few days then switch to 18/6 till flowering.keep them how you have them now on 20/4 and you should be fine.
how many seedlings do you have under 1000watt hps? unless its a lot it might be over kill


they can stretch a bit in the dark period under 20/4 or 18/6 but not too much. i always put mine 24/0 for the first few days then switch to 18/6 till flowering.keep them how you have them now on 20/4 and you shoulde be fine.
how many seedlings do you have under 1000watt hps? unless its a lot it might be over kill
I have 19 russian rocket fuel in 2 gal pots. The room is 6x3x8