Seedlings under 250W CFL.


Active Member
Just a quick one really. For my last grow I used a 125W CFL to sprout my seedlings. They stayed under this light 24 hours a day for 2 weeeks before I transplanted them to bigger pots & 400W HPS. This time I have a 250W CFL (my 125W got smashed & my local shop only had 1 250W). Is it ok to use a 250W CFL for seedlings & if so, how far should I keep the light from the poor little bastards???


Active Member
thanks to you both for putting my mind at ease. its only my second grow so I'm not confident enough yet to change shit up too much. ive heard the hand test before in relation to flowering with 400w and up, but wasnt sure if seedlings were any more sensitive. now, youve said it, makes perfect sense! :clap:

by the way moodster, how often did you find you needed to water your seedlings with that 250CFL on 24/7? i'm giving about 6 squirts with a mister twice a day. soil is dry on top just before each watering.


Well-Known Member
right m8 if the seed has broken the soil stop misting and water a cup full bout once a day once it has roots it wont need misting also dont let your soil dry out im using a 250w in a tent with no heat problems they do make them bushy plants good luck m8