seedlings/veg humidity


Active Member
pain in the ass knowing i've read all this before and not being able to find it again...

i believe i read humidity for seedling and vegging should be as high as you can get it or 40-50 at least

im having serious issues getting mine to stay above 20. will my seeds root in this? or do i need to invest in a humidifier asap?

any DIY tips to raise humidity in a pinch?


Well-Known Member
pain in the ass knowing i've read all this before and not being able to find it again...

i believe i read humidity for seedling and vegging should be as high as you can get it or 40-50 at least

im having serious issues getting mine to stay above 20. will my seeds root in this? or do i need to invest in a humidifier asap?

any DIY tips to raise humidity in a pinch?
They will be fine. But they will grow better in higher humidity. I would put a bucket of water in there, this will evaporate and help.


Active Member
They will be fine. But they will grow better in higher humidity. I would put a bucket of water in there, this will evaporate and help.
yea i've got my fan in there blowing across a dishwashing tub of water, hope this will tide me over...

thanks for the quick reply, put my mind at ease for ohh, day one


Well-Known Member
Something that is about 2" deep with perlite and fill so that the water is just a tad lower than the surface of the perlite. Blow a fan across that and the water will evap fast. Works well, maybe throw some peroxide in the water to keep it nice and clean :)