
Active Member
Ok so - after two days in the wet paper towels all my seeds popped tap roots

I put them into rockwool soaked in distelled water, into a prop dome, in the dark onto a dvd player for warmth

two days later I had four skunk seeds sprouting fast, and three kush barely starting to pop out

two days after that my skunk seedlings were two inches long - starting to bend over but still standing up

my kush were coming slowly, but looking ok

two days after that my kush were looking good - they tunred froma light yelllow into a dark green

my skunk however, which started out looking stronger than the kush, were starting to bend down

so then I put them under the T5 running 24/7 and sprayed them with distlled water

the pics I have arewhat they looked like the day I put them under the lights (yesterday)

as you can see - three of four skunks are laying down, one of which looks wilted beyond repair

but the kush are all loking strong and good

I look at them today, and t eskunk that were looking bad are looking worse

and what's really freking me out is that one of my kush is starting to lean over

what am I doing wrong?

please help

thanks in advance

yeah those baby's look stretched like a mother :)

idk if that would make them droop, but i wouldent doubt it, stick a paperclip in there or something and tie it loosely to it to keep it up, thats just what i'd do. until it can stand by itself (but im no pro)

edit: if you cant move your lights just put books or something under those plates to get them closer to the light.
Had the same exact problem. Your lights are too far.

Get couple of fluro tubes and place the plants between these tubes. Use soil to "enclose" the stems of the roots
Ok...well everyone (so far) says my lights are too far away....

I guess since Ive seen seedlings with much shorter stems (distance from rockwool to top of seedling) than mine, I guess that makes sense - if they're straching out looking for light....


I measured the distance (light to top of dome) as it was - it came in circa 16 inches

I put a crate underneath the dome (until I get a better setup) and now they are six inches from the lights

I also gave them another good spraying, since I am afraid they'll dry out

So - let me know if you guys think I did the right thing / made the right adjustment thus far

and thanks to everyone for help and advice

Fluoro lights need to be close..1 inch...basically put your hand on top of the plant, under the light..if it doesnt feel hot on your hand the plant will be fine. T5's should be pretty much fine to touch the tube but 1 inch will give better light coverage.

Once again if it doesn't hurt your hand it wont hurt the plant.
yep u can bring those lights super close almost touching, I concure.

Also did you thouroughly rinse your rockwool cubes and soak overnight 24 hrs???? They need to be flushed of the limestone and build up of production crap.

How are they today?
Blue -

Now they are worse - I'm going to post a separate message in the board

NOW- they are all wilting - they look worse

As to answer your question - I soaked the rockwool in PH balanced Distilled wiater before I planted the seedlings

My seedlings are wilting and turning brown.

In one day they went from sick to dead - after I brought the lights closer -


I'm losing my mind......