Here in canada, if you are caught in possesion of enough mj, or caught dealing, or many other drug offences, they add bail conditions not allowin you to posses such items such as phones, or other electronics. it sucks, but thats part of how they fuck us around. and as far as your roblems, i am a seed fanatic. i am a farmer in the traditional sense. i sow my seeds, never clone. i can clone, but i dont like it. what you need to do is check the soil for fungus and toxins. Kill one of the seedlings and plant something else in the soil. if something else dies, pitch the soil. as the good dr k pointed out, overwatering is a seedling killer. soil should be moist. not sopping. as for humidity, my city is dry like yours, so thats not the problem. i never cover my seeds. as for feeding, NEVER feed a plant in its first 2 weeks, iunless you do so organicaly. try worm castings. full of aminos and nitrogen. and maybe a b vaitamin hormone. check out the mandala germ guide. follow ith every seed for sweet restults. and try starting under your mh conversion u got. if you still have issues, vm me, ill try and think of anythig else. i always tie my seedlings as soon as they start to branch, you might have got some flopy weak stems. thecolors on the stems are not a deffinite indicator of anything. sometimes colors apear and disapear. if the seeds in question are gh, let me know which strain. not that im worrid, but it may help with fixoing the problem. but one thing for sure, never feed babys. its not needed and its risky. have any of the leaves curled at all?