Seedlings with a 90 degree bend..?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Looking at my babies this afternoon and I know they have only been sprouting out of the soil for a few days but a couple of them have sharp bends towards the setting sun. Like near 90 degree angles, only 2 out of 10 are doing this... Does anybody know of a reason why they would be doing this? what corrective measures to make or if they will correct themselves without intervention?

I haven't had enough years under my belt to see much of what can go wrong, I'm not overly worried, just curious...


Active Member
I had one doing the exact same thing. I kept trying to straighten it by turning away from sun direction, propping it up, nothing kept it up. I just let mine go, and it basically LST'd itself.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
So just let the little bent ones continue on their own merry little way then?

I wonder if it's a genetic thing or something happened to them after they first sprouted to make them bend like that...


Active Member
Might be an auto LST strain.....Lol just kidding they should be fine I would just let them go and see what happens or tie it up very gently.


New Member
I always rotate my plants or seedlings that bend, its like exercise for them building stronger cell walls.