

Active Member
my seedlings have now sprouted after about a week, last night they looked great, i lowered the light a littel, and today when i came to check on them 7-10 of them fell over, look shriveled up, brown, and skinny. It was about about 4 days ago when i last watered because i thot it was good enough when i checked daily. Came to check, the cubes were kinda dry. There are roots showing. WHAT DID I DO WRONG?
Sounds like you let 'em run dry, and they got cooked. Hard to say for certain, but sounds very possible.
If it is T5's, chances are they are not fried. Hopefully you can revive them. Give them some 30 SPF sunscreen, mix up some Superthrive and hose those little babies, and back the light off a few inches. Just kidding about the sunscreen.
If it is T5's, chances are they are not fried. Hopefully you can revive them. Give them some 30 SPF sunscreen, mix up some Superthrive and hose those little babies, and back the light off a few inches. Just kidding about the sunscreen.

they look pretty bad, like when they first sprouted they were happy, and than bam the next day, the roots got really skinny and now have fallen over looking like the dried up, but the each have roots coming out the bottom
they look pretty bad, like when they first sprouted they were happy, and than bam the next day, the roots got really skinny and now have fallen over looking like the dried up, but the each have roots coming out the bottom

ANYONEEE HELPPP PLEASE>>>>>>>>>>>sad day for me sighs now they all look bad, fell over, stem gotten really skinny, shrinking, sighs...what did i do wrong???????? sigh
Did you water them after the first ones died? They should've been transplanted, as soon as the roots started poking through the sides of they rockwool, or soon after that. If they're not beyond saving, your best bet is to transplant them and give them a good watering. I afraid it may be too late though. Sorry bro.