Seeds and a site for a beginner?

My last 2 orders were through Midweek Song as well, last time I picked 2 breeders ( DinaFem & Sweet Seeds) who offered their own promos as well, 2 free seeds from their lines each :) So I think I got 9 free seeds when I bought 10, all from known breeders but 1, I gambled on MWS's own Girl Scout Cookies just for funsies. It actually has some good buzz here, a few ppl in early growth on them...

I like Gorilla as a company as well, also Discreet Seeds and The Vault, but have not actually bought from them yet..
Ive done Herbies and Bonza both have done right by me, but how everyone is saying do the research im sure there are other good ones.
Ive done Herbies and Bonza both have done right by me, but how everyone is saying do the research im sure there are other good ones.
I second this man. I love Bonza and their free shipping. Never lost an order. They are legit in my book. Beginners strain? Start with Northern light or a skunk strain. Very easy to grow. Good luck.
I'm currently running a Dinafem Critical+ 2.0 (big bud x skunk pheno hunted for mold resistance) that I bet would be a great beginner strain. It flowers fast, yields big, easy to train and clone, smoke quality is TBD but it gets good reviews on places like seedfinder. I like it a lot so far, about 3 weeks into flower on my first run of it.
MidWeekSong and Herbies are great dude if your still wondering. I literally just received my order from Herbies my first one from them actually and I'll be honest i was nervous only because their reviews are a bit hot and cold (Herbies) but i chanced it after seeing more Pros then Cons but anyway yeah just got them maybe 20 minutes ago 7 days exactly and tracked every single bit of movement from the UK to the US...By the way mine didn't go through Chicago customs so just thought id add that little bit of information since it's clearly a issue that's talked about allot on here. As for MidWeekSong i actually only used them (My main site) until their website said they were having credit card issues ( Not in information being taken ) just down in general so i had to use another site sadly but that was like a week ago so it could be fixed by now i haven't checked but I actually wrote Lewis a little Email thanking the company for being cool man and not scamming folks because they can if they wanted you know? anyway dude sorry for the novel i just wanted you to know these are the 2 sites that i trust man. Later.
I've used 'rhino' seedbank, gorilla seedbank 3 times , highgrade seeds, sea of seeds 6 or 7 times, nirvana's, and sannie's seeds 3 times,(edit: bomb seeds too.. I've never NOT received my order from any of above sites..! ;-)
check out the seedbank reviews site here, you'll find what you're after there. Goodluck and happy growing,