WOW Bagelthief you must have a bad life, and I feel sorry for you, where is all that anger coming from ? Exploding like that on a stranger you don't even know, what kinda problems are you having ? Are you just jealous of me ? I don't know where you are coming from but you should get some new direction in your life.
I didn't even want to waste my time with this post, but if you must get verification, I am a very honest person.
Before you go directing your anger towards me maybe you should read the whole thread instead of just what you want and filling in the rest. I was going to make you actually read it but since I'm a nice guy I'll go ahead and point out the most important fact.
I posted this
"It was BS so why spend a lot of time on it ? I just got tired of those pro-ufo guys posting BS so I thought I'd try some also."
That's right I made a joke and then told everyone. Did you see the LOL's after that ? Everyone got the joke but you didn't ?
If you get that serious over a joke I think you need some medication.
Hopefully this is all I need to post on the subject, sorry for taking up everyone's time with it.