Well-Known Member
Question to the gurus-once in a blue moon I will find one or two seeds on a plant that was a clone cutting from a very good dispensary near me. It may be one or two seeds on the whole plant, indicating to me that it is a self-pollinated seed. I had a Diamond OG Kush clone do this two years ago and the seed grew into a monster that far out-rivaled the clone from which it came. This year I got two seeds from a local cut of Santa Cruz Blue Dream, and also one form a clone of West Coast Sour Diesel.
Now, are there any hard and fast rules about seeds produced by a bract or two of female pollen from the mother clone? It would seem to me that these seeds would be prized, as they are more pure than S1 produced seeds in my opinion.
Any comments on this phenomenon? Any similar experiences? I'll update this as I grow out the few seeds I obtained from last year's outdoor crop.
Thank you
Now, are there any hard and fast rules about seeds produced by a bract or two of female pollen from the mother clone? It would seem to me that these seeds would be prized, as they are more pure than S1 produced seeds in my opinion.
Any comments on this phenomenon? Any similar experiences? I'll update this as I grow out the few seeds I obtained from last year's outdoor crop.
Thank you