Seeds from


Well-Known Member
just letting you all know i ordered seeds from amsterdamn marijuana seeds .com

i will let you all kno how the service is if and when i get my package.

Has anyone ordered from here before??

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
ive orderd from them in the past ,i reccomend them ,i recieved my seeds in 4 days ( im uk ) allso i got 10 free seeds which were a purple strain i only got 4 females out of the ten (free seeds ) but it was nice smoke. oh and they were sent discreetly in a greetings card .


Well-Known Member
sweet, i got an email back from them saying that the seeds have been sent, so the seeds are in transit.....hope they show...i will keep you all posted....this seems like a trustworthy bank


Active Member
That's where I got my Early Mistys. Same deal, they came in a padded envelope with a greeting card. I forget how long it took (to U.S.), but it wasn't long. I would order from them again.

Doobie Doo

Well-Known Member
I order Big Bud from them and received the 10 free seeds. They dont tell you what kind the free seeds are, they said its assortment. I received the seeds but it was 3 weeks before I got them but I did get them.


Well-Known Member
I got some ICE from them a month ago...small seeds... scared me.. but they are growing unreal. Got a good feeling


Well-Known Member
Guys would it be retarted for me to use a credit card to order some haze seeds here in Massachusetts? I cant see customs really bothering to find out whats in it, but hey what do I know. I really just dont need to come home from work and find the cops waiting over 3 fugly plants and an attempt at buying haze lol


Well-Known Member
Ohio, let us all know how they turn out. I am about to order some seeds for my next grow and would love to hear about your experience!

Doobie Doo

Well-Known Member
Guys would it be retarted for me to use a credit card to order some haze seeds here in Massachusetts? I cant see customs really bothering to find out whats in it, but hey what do I know. I really just dont need to come home from work and find the cops waiting over 3 fugly plants and an attempt at buying haze lol
I used mine and I caught a lot of slack for it, I didnt want to send cash. Any ways, some one gave me an idea of using one of those gift cards that are mastercard or visa that can be used anywhere and using that. Thats how I am going to do it next time


Well-Known Member
yea, i also used a credit card....everything went fine, but the next day, the credit card company called and made sure that it was me who bought something from holland...because they thought it was fraud, and that someone was using my card in holland..or some shit.
but its all good, my email said that the seeds have been sent.
its cool that the site i ordered from updates you on your order, and they let you track it too. im glad to of heard other success stories from you guys...really makes me feel good right these nerve wreaking times.
ill keep ya posted,


Uses the Rollitup profile
"In these nerve-wracking times?" So you ordered an illegal item from the black market by leaving your name and address on a paper trail easy enough for even the fbi to follow...

You know, that kind of slack. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yea, but if noone ever gets the package but me...theres no reason to be looking through my credit card on my bill, it doest show up as "MARIJUANA SEEDS".
Im really not worried about that in the least, i am kinda worried about it not showing up at all, just because the company could just rip me.

also with the times america is having right now, i highly doubt the fbi is doing alot of research on personal marijuana growers, or people who order the seeds....the only people really looking is customs and/or border patrol.
fbi better have better things to do right now..than bust me and my 7 girls.

Mr Plumber

Active Member
Ohio is right
All the busts I have ever seen and heard of for marijuana were always local PD with sting operations or snitch. Could you imagine the funding it would take for FBI or any other special division to crack down on small time seed orders? Plus all the high end seed companies package it and bill it so that it makes for easy deniability. Thats another service you get when you order from the higher end shops. But thats my point of view, I dont sell it or smoke it so im not that paranoid. My mother has terminal illness and i do it for her. But i do like the smell and im prone to contact high lol.


Well-Known Member
Mr Plumber and Ohio you're both applying logic to how the government operates. You probably don't work for the government. You probably work for a company that has to make a profit.

The government doesn't have to make a profit. So they have a million different little departments that are all up to their own little business.

I'm not saying that I haven't used a credit card to buy. I'm just saying I'd never do it again. And even when I do buy in cash next time...I fully understand and expect for someone somewhere to be spending their full work week trying to prevent me from getting what I want.


Well-Known Member
im not saying that the government doesnt have small side branches,
and dude i dont know what the hell your talking about....the government does have to make a profit...and it cost them to do operations like sting op's..etc.
im not saying that you cant get introuble with ordering seeds...but its rather unlikely that they are going to trace 10 seeds i ordered from Holland. and give me a bunch of crap for it. if anything, if the package is found, the company who sent it, gets more crap than i ever wood.
but yea, im not going to use the credit card again on this, i just did it because i really wanted some new seeds, and dont wait to wait for the whole shipping of the money processs.


Active Member
all customs will do if they find seeds in your package is confiscate them, put a note in your order, and put it right through. oh, and they need a warrant to look in first class mail.


Well-Known Member
yea there we go....thats what i said...all you really have to worrie about is customs....not the friggin FBI.
Im more scared of the DEA than FBI...we all should be....we shouldnt have to live in fear tho :)


Active Member
yep! but thats all i know about customs.. i dunno about the cops tho. i think they could arrest you if they wanted, but hell, maybe they would give it to ya easy and just take your mini babies ;)
ah i dunno lol