Seeds Germed But Wont Pop?


Well-Known Member
altight, title basically says it all, i ended up germin 10 seeds some tails popped others didnt, took the popped ones into the soil to sprout some been almsst a week now others just a few days.. know what may be wrong? ive had 100% germ results in the past off my bagseed now im trying kush bagseed though the seeda look mature and wont crack they are a tinge light


Well-Known Member
The bigger it is the faster it seems to sprout. I've let the shell fall off with a set of leaves and all before while in the paper towel (not recommending this though), if germed at the same time, putting a seed with a smaller taproot will take longer to sprout than if you had just left it in the bag a bit longer. I use an open gallon bag with wet paper towel at 82-84°.
When you put the seed in the soil, you don't need to bury it, you don't even need the dirt to cover it so long as you have high humidity, i use solo cups with a ziploc bag over
, which should have water beads. You don't want to bury the seed to far or compact the dirt when you do.
The seed should be ready for dirt in 24hrs, another 12-24 may be necessary. I fill a cup with my moistened soil mix. I either wet the soil the night before and till/stir it first or moisten till it will hold its shape and fill the cup, so as to avoid any rot. It gets the ziploc over the top of the cup and in the dark until I have my first set of leaves (still 82-84°) the dark helps prevent mold and damaging roots.
Bags come off and they go to the sides of my light until the first set of leaves (true set).
..use ph'd water
I have expiremented with a variety of temps etc
This gives me best results. Out of 40 cheese seeds I
germed, all sprouted and only one died as a seedling (my fault)


Well-Known Member
Ive had problems getting my seeds to sprout after germing lately also, the way i corrected the problem is leaving it alone! If my seeds didnt sprout right away i got worried and messed with the soil. Sometimes they take a while. IF you've done everything right they will eventually pop. Might take a week or longer.
Had this problem with some bag seed. Once, some seeds sent to me had been in a very hot mailbox. Same as you describe, they would pop the shell, but no joy beyond that, and I let them go for weeks. My guess is old-age and environmental storage problems, perhaps too many hot/cold cycles.


Well-Known Member
Seeds are strong, they do fine if frozen and thawed many times and happens naturally in nature
Ive kept many of my seeds in the freezer that I store long term, also bags and a shoebox room temp.

Seeds do fine in most conditions, you can store them at 120° for months freeze them thaw them heat them and do this for many years without a decrease in germ rates.
I say this with confidence..I have seed stock 20 years old that germs fine and spent its life in my trucks tool box, not even in packaging.
Ive not noticed a decrease in germ rates for the decade I've been growing and for the most part used the same seed stock
Just saying
Yeah you are absolutely right, qwizoking. Healthy seeds are really strong. Has only happened to me a few times with very questionable batches, where just the tiny root tip forms and they just stop right there. Figure they were weak to begin with for some reason. Most of the time they surprise me, how fertile they all are, even plants I have seeded myself under low light in small gardens.


Well-Known Member
if you're having trouble sprouting seeds but germing good. i suggest you put them in rapid rooters, these things usually have the right conditions to grow taproots.

i usually let the taproot grow a bit after germing, i also failed sometimes when i get it to crack/germ then immediately put it my medium.


Well-Known Member
i will try some these methods let you guys know, thanks, ill give you a report after some pop through the soil so anyone else with troubles may know a good method


Well-Known Member
also kind of a noobie question? after tossing a seed with a big old root in the soil does it need light or not? i usually tossed them under a couple 13w cfls now just 1 23w and that may be the problem why they dont wanna sprout idk


Well-Known Member
best method i figured out was toss them in the water for 24hrs then wet papertowel in a tubaware container for a day or two or until a big root pops then plant cover water and leave under light till popped got most my seeds popping again


Well-Known Member
I had 2 seeds in paper towel for 3 days till they popped(no tap root visible) put in solo cups for 6 days and NADA, went digging today and both seed look exactly how they went in. smfh.......


Well-Known Member
did you soak them in water first for a day? paper towel method can sometimes work or take a while, ive had poppimg problems with lighter seeds if theylook dark with good genes id put in water for a day in dark if didnr yet then wet paper towel one more time and hope, and if all fails try a soil method again but may take a while to germ if they do