seeds germinate..?


Well-Known Member
will seeds germinate in a wet papertowel at about 60 degrees F (16 degrees C) ? i don't hav a warmer pplace to sprout them without my roommate finding them... and yes i know that a higher temperature is better..
Yes, they may take a little longer and your success rate may drop slightly. But yes, it's fully possible to germinate some seeds without heating pads/propagation kits and what not.
will seeds germinate in a wet papertowel at about 60 degrees F (16 degrees C) ? i don't hav a warmer pplace to sprout them without my roommate finding them... and yes i know that a higher temperature is better..
To produce feminized seeds, you start with selected female clones.
Under standard conditions these female clones do not produce any male
flowers. By methods found, we are able to have these female clones
produce abundant male flowers and pollen (see photos). The pollen thus
produced is use for the production of our "feminized" seeds.

Environmental factors
It appears that the growth of a male or female plant from seed,
except for the predisposition in the gender chromosomes, also depends
on various environmental factors. The environmental factors that
influence gender are:

1)a higher nitrogen concentration will give more females.
2)a higher potassium concentration will give more males.
3)a higher humidity will give more females.
4)a lower temperature will give more females.
5)more blue light will give more females.
6)Fewer hours of light will give more females. It is important to start
these changes at the three-pairs-of-leaves stage and continue for two or
three weeks, before reverting to standard conditions.
so i can just leave them where they are and theay should be alright.. they are in darkness too.. in a wet paper towel in a blew up ziplock bag... then the bag is in a old shoebox in the bottom of my closet
lots of good adivce so far I think .....but if you haven't got a proper place to germ, what do you plan on doing to grow those germed seeds. the plants might also grow in 60F but slow and with probably little productivity? maybe I'm missing something obvious? Good luck man!
yeah with my lights on my closet will be about 75-80F but i don't really see any need to waste the electricity on warming the room just so the seeds will sprout a little faster..
alright .. update... i had 3 seeds.. 1 poped the 1st day.. and the other poped the 2nd day.. (this isn't turning into a journal) well i have one more left to go .. i will be planting the 2 sprouted seeds today some time and will leave the other to see if it will crack.. but 2 out of 3 isn't badd..
not bad at all. good for u! and the third might still do it for ya. and good luck with your effort. Walk On!~